Chapter 3 :: Sasuke Uchiha And Sakura Haruno! What? I'm Not Jealous!

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Edited: 03/06/2022

Today was the big day. The day when the graduates from the academy would be assigned their squads, and additionally, they would be starting their missions soon.

I hope I get placed in Naruto's team, she thought wistfully, adjusting her headband into her belt and fixing the creases on her jacket. Or....something similar. Gah, I don't care who else is on the team, as long as Naruto's there, I'm good.

"Morning," Naruto greeted as she entered the living room. "Whoa, you're ready...already?" He pouted, glancing down at his pajamas. "Man, I've barely had a chance to change. How is that possible?" As she took a seat on the table beside him, he pushed one of the half-closed ramen cups towards her, along with a pair of chopsticks. "Don't girls usually take their merry time with changing and whatever?"

"Have you ever spoken to an actual girl?" she deadpanned, refusing the cup of milk he offered, and leaving to grab her cup of boba tea in the fridge. "Naruto, girls usually don't take long when getting dressed. It's just sometimes they tend to do it late, that's all." She snapped her chopsticks and glanced at his cup. "Hey, you've got more fishcakes than me!"

"Haha~suck it Aya!"

"You're being mean."

After their quiet argument―("Give me one!!" "No, they're mine!!" "Ugh, I hate you!" "Boo hoo you crybaby!")―the atmosphere in the room was silent. It was a comfortable silence, interrupted by the occasional slurping while the two became lost in thought. It was a good while before they decided to speak.

" Naruto," Aya began, drawing circles on the tablecloth. "Do you...erm..." She laughed nervously. "Notice anything...different...about me today?" Her ears burned from embarrassment as the boy glanced at her, his expression blank. He looked completely confused and she decided that the next best thing to do was to jump off the Hokages' faces and kill herself to avoid her humiliation. And really, why did she even ask him such a question in the first place? He was going to think she was a weirdo (albeit it was ironic what with their relationship in the first place).

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