Chapter 20 :: Battle Time! Inoue On A Rampage!

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Edited: 11/06/2022

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Edited: 11/06/2022

It's so dark here.

"You know something?"


"She died because of you."


"She died. She had a chance...she might have stood a chance against him if you weren't there. She died trying to save you."

That's not true!

"It is. Don't you see? Someone is always risking their life trying to protect YOU, but what have you ever done for them!?", you're wrong. I've never

"You're not fooling anyone. We both know what's true. But there's no point in complaining about it now."

Then why are you telling me this? What's the point?

"Because Sakura is risking her life for you. She's trying to protect you, so now you have to protect her in turn! Doesn't she mean anything to you?"

Of course she does! She's my friend!

"And Sasuke?"

Well...I dislike him, but I don't want to see him in trouble

"And what about Naruto?"

Of course I wanna protect him too! He's important to me!

"Then get up and fight! Sakura, Naruto, Sasuke, even Ino and Tsubaki have intervened! You have to fight, keep fighting to protect them!"


"Because if you don't, then you'll be forced to live through the same mistakes from the past."

What mistakes?


What mistakes?!

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