Chapter 39 :: Of Static And Flames! Affinity, Or No Affinity.

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Kakashi wasn't joking when he said he was going to make sure they either trained until they collapsed from exhaustion or they died. It was the worst experience Aya ever had with training, and this was plain in comparison to Isamu!

Plus, Sasuke was no help either. He caught on faster than her and easily completed his own tasks with ease, leaving her in the dust. Of course, the boy would also make snarky and rude remarks that left the girl scowling in the spot, but since Kakashi favored his student more than her, she wasn't allowed to attack him.

There was one jutsu though. One technique that took a while for the boy to master.

Chidori: one thousand birds.

Aya questioned Kakashi on its name, and he responded that it sounded like a thousand birds singing together. That was the only answer she received before she returned to her own chakra control, with the promise that he would teach her the jutsu soon.

By the time the sun set she was ready to pass out from exhaustion. She returned home with an ache in her limbs and was ready to sleep in until the Chunin exams came around but Yachi wasn't having it. Early the next morning the blond dragged the small girl out of bed and into a different training ground, where she explained that she would be teaching her about chakra natures and jutsus.

"You already know what chakra is," Yachi began. The sun was barely crossing the horizon and Aya's eyes were heavy with sleep. Additionally, she hadn't taken a bath since yesterday morning, and when she pleaded with the older girl to at least throw on something cleaner, the girl refused, explaining that she would be even dirtier by the end of their training session. At least she didn't stink as yet. "So I'm not gonna explain that, and Kakashi has told me your chakra control has increased significantly, which is actually quite impressive considering he's your teacher." She snapped her fingers in front of the dazed girl's face. "Oi, pay attention damn it! Now, jutsu are known as the mystical arts a ninja will utilize in battle. To use a technique, the ninja will need to use their chakra. To perform a technique, the ninja will bring out and release the two energies of chakra. By forming hand seals, the ninja is able to manifest the desired technique. Because of the extensive number of hand seals and different combinations, there are thousands of potential techniques to be discovered."

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