A Naruto OC Fanfiction Series.
𝗶𝗻𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗼 | a large fire that is dangerously out of control.
In the Shinobi world, it's the survival of the fittest.
The weak will die and the strong will survive. Clans can't be trusted, village elders corrupted...
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Anger, bloodlust, hatred. They mixed together, the shadow grinning and growing larger with each increasing moment. Beady yellow eyes continued to glare, mocking her movements.
What asshole in their right mind would treat their own sibling so cruelly, she wouldn't know. A part of her wanted to rush in, because that redhead had no right treating the blond as if she was nothing, but Sasuke stopped, biding his time with the staring redhead.
"Might wanna keep your guard up," she mutters as the boy begins to address the Sand shinobi. She stands in the corner, arms crossed and her attention laser-focused on the glowering redhead. Every now and again the shadow would flare, taking on a fixed, tanuki shape.
His face cracks and Gaara screams in pain. The cracks continued to spread across his face, and still they only watched in fixated fascination. The clone wanted to urge her teammate to take his chance to attack, but she figured it wouldn't do them any good, and judging by the look on Temari's face, their situation was all but doomed.
Ah, they're talking now. Temari pleads with Gaara, reminding him about their mission, and he all but ignores her, his attention fixated on the Uchiha before him. While he goes on about how similar they are, her eyes are focused on the boy's slowly growing shadow. It dims, translucent against the trees, and it grins cheekily before resuming an opaque figure.
Gaara's pained screams are louder than before. The pain sends him to his knees and his face continues to crack and splinter like wood instead of human flesh, and oh, the clone is beginning to feel scared when the shadow becomes glassy. Crystalline and grinning victoriously.
He screams and the right half of his body seems to transform, a sandy brown appendage appearing where his arm should be, and he screams and trembles with agony.
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There is a scream, and the real Aya instinctively presses her hands against the barrier, this time ignoring the searing pain that burns and practically melts her skin while her eyes darted around, desperately trying to catch a glimpse of the Hokage.
She hears one of the ANBU gasp in horror and latch on to pull her back, but her mind is too fixated on her gramps to care about the smell of burning flesh and concerned scoldings from these strangers.
Please don't die Gramps. I can't lose you too, I can't!!
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The birds fly away before it's too late, and she doesn't blame them with the malicious chakra in the forest.
The appendage increases in size, this time there are black markings patterned across, and the right half of the boy's face has transformed into that of a tanuki. It's the same one that has been mocking her for some time, though this time the yellow glow isn't there and froth is foaming at the corners of his mouth in each passing second.
Ah, there it is, she thinks when he finally opens his eyes, and the golden colored iris is there. He grins and growls and Aya doesn't blame Sasuke for standing still, completely unmoving with confusion and fear (if he's ever frightened), for she too can feel her fear enlarging. The shadow that was once presence is now gone, though she does note every now and again the way the tanuki flares with a quiet cackle or angry growl.
Gaara jumps, and the clone nearly jumps out of her own skin as well with his sudden movement. She moves and grabs ahold of the Uchiha's arm, pulling him away just as the feral boy smashes into the tree, scattering splints and logs everywhere.
Oh this chakra. I do not like this chakra...nope, nuh uh, no sirree.
"Are you alright?" Sasuke asks. They hide behind one of the many trees, every now and again she can't help but stare with awe and fright at the insane redhead that howled their names, and she swallows.
"I'm fine," she answers truthfully, for indeed there is no sign of injury on her. Instead she frowns at the pained expression on the Uchiha's face and the way he holds his left shoulder. "I'm a clone, remember? Are you alright though?"
He shrugs and winces.
"Just a bruise," he mutters. "That guy's insane."
She nods in agreement. "He's certainly not normal. I'm gonna guess that transformation isn't too good either, or why else would his teammate look so....scared?"
Sasuke rolls his eyes, but there's a small smile on his lips as he answers, "I don't suppose you'll understand, but when you're overwhelmed with such power, with such strength to crush anything in your hands, it gets to your head."
The clone stares at him oddly, whatever question on the tip of her tongue fading when a clawed arm crashes into the tree behind them, splitting it in half. They move, and she notes from the slight glimpse that his arm has increased in size.
Temari's shadow quivers in fear.
"What's wrong?" Gaara sneers, baring his teeth. "Are you frightened? Do I scare you so much that you must hide? Are you terrified and trembling with fear?! Why don't you and your friend come out and face me, Sasuke Uchiha!?"
Aya squeaks and covers her mouth, now separated from the brooding brunette in their quest to survive and hide from this monster. She only prays he remains distracted with them long enough for reinforcements to arrive.
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I just realized that I legit do not need to make all my chapters long as hell.