A Naruto OC Fanfiction Series.
𝗶𝗻𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗼 | a large fire that is dangerously out of control.
In the Shinobi world, it's the survival of the fittest.
The weak will die and the strong will survive. Clans can't be trusted, village elders corrupted...
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They say everyone dies eventually. No living mortal in this world could ever live for so long, in peace and in war there will always be death, for the Reaper himself waits for no one.
As a child, Tsubaki Kamada was reminded of this fact every day, from the very moment she was able to comprehend complex phrases and words, her grandmother and father and even dear old cousin Haruki reminded her of this fact, that Death waits for no one when he passes through, his scythe reaping the souls that were lost. She knows this and she's reminded of this even as her weapon pierces through the enemy's chest, and life leaves his eyes, and though she knows it's only a natural process in the Shinobi world, her heart still hurts and there's a feeling of guilt that lingers.
But then just as quickly it's gone. She could see her cousin ahead, sharing quips and remarks with Saeko while they continue to shrug off the incoming enemies, and she wonders why on earth they still keep coming back for more.
"Don't get too lost now, kid." A blond pipes up, and wow, Tsubaki thinks she's pretty, but not as flashy looking as herself and she nods, syncing her movements in time with the older jounin. She thinks she knows her, but finds it hard to place a name―
"Yachi Shiba."
"My name. It's Yachi Shiba. You're Tsubaki, right?"
"Yeah no shit. How'd you know?"
"Hm. If I counted the number of times I've listened to Tsuyuri senpai and Mr. Toma argue about their younger subordinates, I'd never be able to stop." The blond flashes a smile. "You're good at this, seeing as it's your first real battle, eh?"
Tsubaki only shrugs. "I do what I must, that's all."
"I see." She sweeps her leg beneath an enemy's feet and throws him on his back, grasping the arm of another that snuck up from behind, and tossing him on top of his friend. Yachi simply flicks a stray strand of blond hair and eyes the younger girl for a minute. "Well then, good luck."
Tsubaki could only nod, unsure if she's surprised at this girl's sudden appearance or offended at the fact that she only knows her as Toma Kamada's cousin. She decides to be offended, and her competitive streak returns.