Chapter 69 :: The Calm Before The Storm

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The world must be ending

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The world must be ending. For Sasuke Uchiha, the Leaf village's handsomest, emo-est boy to come to her house at all timings caused her stomach to jump in her throat and a bitter feeling on her tongue.

Sasuke hated her, and she hated him. Or at least, that was the way she saw it, up until their bonding moments in the exams. The Uchiha was unnerving her, because other than his shadow, she could barely read his emotions with that blank face of his.

She let him in, as was the polite thing to do, and set him down at the table whilst she made a cup of tea. Iruka-sensei always taught her that hospitality was more important no matter the circumstances. While her back was turned, Ao decided to check out the strange boy invading her territory, watching him from a weary distance.

"So, what gives?" She went straight to the point. She didn't mean to be blunt, but Sasuke wasn't the type to beat around the bush. She placed the cup of tea before him and sat herself cross-legged beside the table, casually sipping her mug of green tea.

She was dressed differently than her usual attire―a plain pink oversized top and white shorts underneath, and the gold bands that usually tied the only braid in her hair were gone. She looked completely different from the usual feral look he was used to―

He blinked. "Your Sharingan. Have you had any practice with it?"

"No." He frowned at her response.

"Why not?"

"Why? Sasuke, I don't have any use of a Sharingan, and to be frank, I don't care. Sharingans are yours and Kakashi's and uh―Shizuku―"


"―those are your things, not mine. I prefer my own methods, thank you very much."


Aya sighed, a hand reaching out to scratch the top of Ao's head. She hummed as the cat purred with her touch, before she gave the boy sitting before her a blank stare. She cocked a brow and leaned forward, her sharp nails―which he now noticed were a freshly painted pink color―was she trying to impress Sakura?―and gazed at him expectantly.

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