Chapter 48 :: The...Reaper WHAT Seal?!

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She mentioned the strange reaper figure that appeared minutes prior, and the men refused to believe her.

Or rather, they refused to believe that she was able to see something that they as professionals could not. Additionally, wasn't it said that only the caster of the reaper death seal could see the jutsu?

So for someone like her, a mere child, able to make such accusations―

"Are you sure that's what you've seen?" The ANBU questioned. When she nodded, he must've frowned again. "But how is that possible? Only the caster―"

"―What else do you see?" His partner interrupted, his gaze focused on her. "Is there anything else you can see, or sense through those trees? Something else that we can't?" The opposite ANBU stared at him questionably, silently waiting for the girl to speak.

What can I see....

"I...I can't really see anything." Her voice was smaller now. Normally when she'd make such large claims and accusations about her little 'spirit' seeing and what not, the adults would brush her off. Some, though not unkindly like Iruka, would just tell her that all she was seeing was nothing more than her overactive mind playing tricks on her, and though time would go on where she'd eventually stop talking about these sights all together, she didn't quite believe them. Though her imagination was wild and active, she knew it was almost impossible to imagine grinning, evil shadows glaring down at you, reveling in their emotions. "I think I can see some darkness though. I-I don't know what's going on, but the old man...I think he's getting overwhelmed."

That...reaper guy thing, its presence is growing darker. I don't like it....

The Reaper Death Seal, otherwise known as the Dead Demon Consuming seal, is a sealing technique developed by the Uzumaki clan to call upon the Shinigami. It's a jutsu that was supposed to be a secret, but not secretive enough since I got my hands on it.

She almost smiled at the memory. Back when she'd first entered the village, she ended up spending most of her time in the Hokage's office. Every now and again when the elders and officials' backs were turned, she'd sneak off with a secretive scroll, hiding in a corner to read to satisfy her curious mind until the Hokage would eventually find her, scold her and let her off easily.

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