Chapter 52 :: Limits

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She isn't sure why she said that, or how she manages to stall the boy for a few seconds in order to protect her friend, but somehow it works, and though her mind and heart didn't belong to her at the moment, it gave her enough time to think of a plan

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She isn't sure why she said that, or how she manages to stall the boy for a few seconds in order to protect her friend, but somehow it works, and though her mind and heart didn't belong to her at the moment, it gave her enough time to think of a plan. To both the redhead and her friends, that isn't her voice they had heard, and she knew for certain that something or the other had sparked within the boy and he was drowned in a flurry of emotions.

The most notable one was longing, and for a second she almost believed that she'd calm the raging beast inside the boy, and that things would be easier from then on out.

Then that softness changed like the flick of a light switch, and a much darker expression returned. If his bloodlust hadn't been enough before, it certainly was now, and he glares at the girl with pure rage and murderous intent.

Wahh, Yashamaru, what have you put me through?! She panics and dives out of the way just in time before something crashes into the tree, and oh she curses at the blond man who's already taken his leave or the other.

"" Gaara growls, and she hopes he's not referring to her. "You did this, it's all your fault!!" He roars and his large tail flicks and oh crap, she's dead, and the sand (where'd it come from??) crashes into her, wrapping itself around her figure and squeezing, but not as tightly, and everything is growing dimmer and dimmer― "All your fault!! How could you, how could?!" And he continues to scream, Sakura all but forgotten― "How could you, Yashamaru?!"

It almost feels as if she's trapped underwater, and the sounds are slower, the world dimmer. She could vaguely hear Naruto's screams, yelling at the angry boy to release his friend and she struggles, and a feeling of claustrophobia was beginning to settle in when she couldn't move her hands.

" mustn't...please stop this before it's too late." The voice repeats, and though she is aware that it is her lips that moved, the mind and sadness behind it belonged to someone else. Yashamaru, specifically, though where the hell the blond has disappeared off to is yet to be known. She chokes and feels her limbs beginning to cave in on her, and there's a vague scream before her body plummets to the forest floor.

She braces herself for impact, yet it never comes, and she is grateful. Something warm engulfs her figure and her gray eyes meet blue hues, and she wants to cry in relief that her best friend is staring down at her with worry in his eyes.

"Are you okay?" Naruto asks worriedly as he sets her down on the branch. "You're not hurt are you? Did you break a limb or anything? Are you bleeding on the inside? Should I get a doctor? Are―"

"Naruto, I'm fine―" she sweat drops at his rushed questions and raises a hand to stop him mid-way. "I'm fine," she repeated, firmer this time. "I'm just a clone, so even if he'd managed to...ya know, squeeze me to death, you wouldn't have had to worry."

The blond huffed. "Could've told me beforehand. And here I went, risking my life for you and all that." He forced a smile and ruffled the girl's head. "Stay here. I'll deal with this Gaara."


"Hey, I'm gonna be Hokage, remember? Sakura and Sasuke need me right now." He pauses for a minute, contemplating something before giving the clone a light squeeze and pulling away shortly after.

"...what was that?"

"I don't know," he admitted. "You stay here, I'm gonna kick that ugly dude's butt!!"

And then just as quickly he was gone, the clone watching him leave with a hazy eyed expression before she collapsed in on herself. Her final thought was wishing her friend good luck just as her figure disappeared into smoke, leaving nothing save a fallen shuriken in her stead.

The real Aya blinks as the clone's memories flood her mind, and she's conflicted between her worry for the Hokage and now her friends.

Naruto, please don't die, she thought helplessly.

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Whoever you are, I love you

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Whoever you are, I love you. 

Deadass this person reads through this ENTIRE book all the way to the god damn recent chapter and voted on every single one I am in love with them hsbdhsbfdhbfdhbhbdwd

- Sora

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