A Naruto OC Fanfiction Series.
𝗶𝗻𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗼 | a large fire that is dangerously out of control.
In the Shinobi world, it's the survival of the fittest.
The weak will die and the strong will survive. Clans can't be trusted, village elders corrupted...
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"So," Naruto sniffed, biting into a fish on his plate. "Were you ever gonna tell me you knew this Tsunade woman, or was I supposed to find out by myself?"
"I'll say!" Jiraiya sipped his drink and glared at the three children. "You knew, so why didn't you say anything? All this time I've been looking for her all on my own. Blasted brats!!"
"We don't know her that well," Itama pointed out, thanking the waitress for the onigiri. "We met her during one of our own travels, and she happened to point us towards the Leaf village some time before the Chunin exams."
"And we only came along because Itama was being a simp~!" Kawarama quipped, wincing slightly when his brother pinched his thigh out of annoyance. The boys' exchanged glares before they looked away, either pouting from boredom or something else.
Aya sighed for the second time in a row. She cared immensely for her friend, she really did, but sometimes he was a major dumbass that seemed to live off of her short temper, given that he still hasn't given up bothering her about her relationship with the legendary Tsunade.
She really wished she hadn't been in pain right now. She would've smacked him all the way to the Leaf village and back again.
"She raised me," the Inoue answered simply. "For a little while at least, before I was brought to the Leaf village. The rest is history." A history I'd like to forget for a long time to come if I'm being honest. "And I wasn't hiding jackshit from you, blondie. I just hadn't found the right time with your training and all that. Also, stop squirming, my back hurts."
The blond sitting across from them chuckled, occasionally glancing at the brunette every time she spoke. A small smirk appeared on her pink stained lips.
"And you've grown so much since I last saw ya squirt," she grinned, retrieving a pack of cards from the inside of her shirt. "Look at you, swearing and all that. I wonder―" She placed the cards on its front for Jiraiya to retrieve. "―If you're still as lucky as you were back then."
The girl's lips drew into a thin line, her eyes subconsciously gazing at the stack of cards flitting through the man's hands. The movements locked her in a trance, and a distant memory worked its way to the surface. The memory of a lonely little girl passing through hands as though she was a prize to be won.