Chapter 9 :: Uh-Oh. An Ambush!

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Edited: 10/06/2022

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Edited: 10/06/2022

By the time the sun had fully crossed the horizon, shining with all of its fiery glory against the backdrop of the blue sky, the trio of Konoha shinobi were tired, not to mention extremely grumpy from their time sleeping outdoors. Plus, they were still sticky with sweat from the other night. It was the worst situation she ever found herself in, and she swore to never take advantage of sleep ever again.

Thankfully, the older teammates were used to it, so they were still able to keep their heads about as they trekked through the forested path.

"We can't stop now," Isamu explained to Aya as they continued to jump through the trees, though in the chunin's case, he traveled by foot. "Junichiro is already onto us, so there's no point in dawdling and waiting for him to come to us. We'll go to him and take him out."

She frowned, her eyes returning to the path in front of her. By take out, he means.... She gulped at the thought. Images of Yachi and Isamu covered in blood and standing menacingly over a dead body sent shudders down her spine, though she admitted it seemed to suit them for some reason. Maybe it was because of their first meeting that left a bad impression on her.

Either way, the thought still scared her, and she made a mental note to avoid ticking them off in the future. At least her dear old Iruka-sensei wouldn't kill her, unlike these two experienced shinobi.

They continued to travel for at least one, maybe two hours at most before they finally took a landing. Aya found herself being pulled into a bush, letting out a quiet 'eep' when Yachi followed suit, her head ducking into the bushes and peeking out at the passersby.

"Be quiet," Isamu hissed in her ear. "I can sense dozens of enemy shinobi over there." He squinted. "What do you see, Shiba?"

"Just some randos walking around," she muttered under her breath. "They look like's hard to say. Wait, hold on, I think I see him!"

"You think?!"

"It is him!" she snapped, eyes narrowed. Despite her calm demeanor, the bags under her eyes and the frown lines made her look irritated, which she probably was what with her lack of sleep. Aya sighed, praying the mission would be over soon so that they'd finally get some rest. She already had to deal with an ill-tempered Isamu, an ill-tempered Yachi was definitely not on her list. "Tch, as expected, that fucking asshole got himself stacked. Of course he's not going to let his guard down now." The jounin's head fell over slightly, gritting her teeth in annoyance. "Damn it all."

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