A Naruto OC Fanfiction Series.
𝗶𝗻𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗼 | a large fire that is dangerously out of control.
In the Shinobi world, it's the survival of the fittest.
The weak will die and the strong will survive. Clans can't be trusted, village elders corrupted...
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Edited: 03/06/2022
"Aya?" She looks up from her daydream to see her sensei smiling down at her. "Are you okay? You've been dazing out on me kid."
Daydream....what was she thinking about again?
She shook her head, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't a little antsy: she'd waited almost an entire day, only for Iruka sensei to tell her in the afternoon that the old geezer would speak to her tomorrow. For the rest of the night, she lay awake in her bed, ignoring her roommate constantly tossing and turning beside her and staring up at the ceiling till daybreak arrived.
The shadows mocked her, with their creepy looking smiles. Thank goodness Iruka-sensei was there, or she probably would've chickened out at the last second.
"Are you nervous?" the brunette questioned as they waited outside the Hokage's door. "You know, you don't have to worry. Lord Third isn't going to scold you for anything." His eyebrows furrowed into a light frown. "Unless...you've done something I should know about?"
"Do you have such little faith in me Sensei?" she pouted, her mood lightening up considerably at his smile. "I'm not some feral child that needs to be kept on a leash." She blinked at the man's blank expression and sighed. "I'm not!! You act like I'm five!"
"Well, you shouldn't act like you're five then," he retorted. The door leading to the office opened, cutting their conversation short. Iruka gave the girl a reassuring glance before stepping inside, Aya following behind him.
The place looked the same as ever, with the mounds upon mounds of scrolls sitting neatly in a corner. On the wall to her left were the pictures of the previous Hokages: the First, the Second, the Third himself and the Fourth. She stared at Yondaime's picture for a minute, swearing that the man looked almost familiar with his blond hair and blue eyes.
She blinked, her attention reverting to the old man sitting in front of her.
Aya didn't particularly dislike the old man: he was alright compared to the other old bags in the village. She just thought his method of running things was too strict (only because she's still mulling over the time he'd yelled at her for messing with important scrolls), added to the fact that not once did he think it was okay to let Naruto know the real reason as to why he was treated as an outcast. She still held a grudge against the old man for that, but she couldn't hate him.