Chapter 59 :: Pop Goes The Water Balloon!

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Because she loved her friend, and because she couldn't bear to see him look so downcasted and disappointed in himself, Aya agreed to help Naruto with his training, as little as she possibly can.

The first step was a lot harder than it sounded. To put it in basic terms for the blond, Jiraiya instructed him to swirl the water inside the balloon until it eventually popped by using his knowledge of walking on trees training together with his walking on water training and applying it together.

Or at least that's what she assumed. Personally she couldn't find it in herself to listen, so how she followed was through Naruto's knowledge. Unfortunately, she also had the same bad luck, but at least the blond didn't feel put down about it with his friend pointing out that she sucked as well.

Still, why was making a balloon pop suddenly so hard? She eyed the ball with distaste in her hand, squeezing it and causing it to spring a leak with her sharp fingernails. She made a pout when the water made a mess over her hand and the rubber fell flat, earning a scolding from her friend about how they needed to minimize their usage of balloons in order to train further.

She almost wished she hadn't agreed.

Almost, until she recalled Kawarama teasing her from his spot in the trees. She never knew the boy was such a jerk until he made rude (albeit not on purpose) comments about her being a girl and therefore lacking the strength to master such a jutsu, that he somehow knew so much information about. It annoyed her to no end and she promised herself that the minute she somehow got this balloon to pop, the Senju was next on her list.

Her head tilted to the side, listening to Jiraiya give her friend a brief explanation on his chakra rotation. As she listened, she continued to apply her chakra into the water.

So it's like using your right hand or your left hand as your dominant one. If you try using it in a different direction than what you're supposed to, it'll just be all mussy. I'm left-handed, so maybe my chakra rotation is the same. She was proven correct when Jiraiya peered down at her head while she was lost in her thoughts, mumbling something about lefties and weirdos. She decided to ignore his stupid comment and focus on her task.

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