Chapter 1:Gather Up the Killers

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Hayley stood at the side of a river looking around. "Come out, come out wherever you are." She called out before listening to where the two little girls were though it didn't take more than a second to find the first one. She zoomed over to Hope picking her up and spinning her around as she happily exclaimed "Gotcha!" Hope giggled as Hayley placed her feet on the ground. "That was some amazing hiding," Hayley said giving her daughter a high five.

"I crossed the water to hide my trail." Hope bragged about her smart plan.

Hayley leaned down to examine her shoes as she questioned, "Did you get your brand new shoes wet?"

"I just flew right over the river." Hope explained as if it were obvious.

Hayley patted her leg as she stood up straight. "Hope," She spoke guiding her daughter away from the water. "What are Mommy's rules about your powers? You have to keep your special bracelet on because?"

The two girls sat down on some big rocks as they continued. "Cause it helps me keep control. I know. I was only kidding, I hopped across on the stones. Mom do we have to move again?"

"You know we can't stay in one place for too long?" Hayley denied.

"Well, we haven't been here that long, and me and Ella made a really cool fort." Hope pleaded.

"Two months is long for us." Hayley tried to reason with her daughter.

Hope paused thinking over before asking, "Are they coming, the vampires?"

"No. But that's why we have to leave."

"So Ella won't be scared," Hope said with a nod.

Hayley smiled at her daughter as she nodded continued. "Yeah, we don't want her to be scared. But we're gonna take Uncle Elijah, Aunt Freya, Aunt Rebekah..."

"And Uncle Kol." Hope interrupted with a smile.

"And Uncle Kol." Hayley nodded in a jokingly defeated way. "Speaking of Uncle Kol we need to find your cousin?"

Hope smiled and slightly looked up "Well, I can tell you she's really happy."

Hayley laughed and replied, "Oh is she." Hayley turned her ear so she could focus on all the sounds around her but she didn't hear a giggling little girl. All she could hear was everything that was supposed to be there. She turned back to Hope and asked "Hope where is she?"

"I thought you just told me to keep my bracelet on," Hope says slightly annoyed by the sudden change.

"But I'd bet you a chocolate bar she didn't follow my rule," Hayley explained making it clear to Hope that she was going to do as she was told.

Hope took off her bracelet and closed her eyes before speaking "She's chasing a butterfly," Hope paused and her eyes shut a bit tighter before they flashed open "near the waterfall we saw on our drive yesterday."

"Stay here, you hear me," Hayley commanded her daughter before running at vampire speed away from her. Hayley ran as fast as she could, worried the little witch would get herself hurt, she didn't heal the way Hope did. When she got there five-year-old Joshlynn was running around in circles chasing a purple butterfly. "Joshylnn Marcella Claire Mikaleson, what do you think you're doing almost ten miles away from the house."

Joshlynn stopped playing and turned to Hayley with a sad expression "It was an accident."

Hayley walked over to the girl and kneeled down beside her "How about we get you back to the house, Hope's probably worried about you."

Joshlynn's eyes looked up a bit and she smiled and said "No, she's fine."

"Well, it's lunchtime anyway," Hayley said looking down at her watch. Still looking at the ticking clock on her wrist Haley stood up and asked. "Any chance you might know where one extremely rare power dampening bracelet might be?"

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