Chapter 4:Keepers of the House

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"Our home. Once the pride of our family, now a flophouse." Klaus said as he lead the group into the Mikaelson Home. Elijah followed behind him along with Hayley carrying Hope.

"Indeed, the mighty have fallen." Elijah agreed looking around.

"Where's Vincent?" Hayley questioned in worry for the hardly conscious girl that laid in her arms before carefully setting her on the ground leaning against a destroyed couch.

"Right here." Vincent's voice sounded as he walked into the compound. "Kept my word. Now the only question is whether or not you guys are gonna keep yours. As soon as I'm finished healing your kid, you got to leave the city."

"Well, we're not gonna stay, are we? Your city has lost its charm." Klaus sassed.

"What he means to say is that we're very grateful, just... help her and we'll leave," Hayley begged.

"Hayley!" Kol called out as he rushed in with the smaller brunette in his arms. Joshlynn's face was pale and glistening with sweat. The vampires of the room could hear her slow beating heart that only slowed with every beat. "She's barely breathing!"

The Claire girl seemed to grab Vincent's complete attention from the rest of the Mikaelsons before his eyes shot back to Hope. "How are they both sick, there was only one totem?"

"It's complicated just help them, please," Hayley spoke as Kol put Joshlynn beside Hope. From seeing the girls side by side it was clear who was in the worst shape, and looking down at her Kol felt more fear and intensity as he focused on every beat of her heart than he'd felt in any moment of his life.

"Excuse me," Vincent said quickly suddenly feeling an increased urgency himself. He wasn't planning on letting anything happen to Hope but the thought of Davina's daughter dying wasn't even something he wanted to imagine. "Okay... Nettoyer timoun sa a. Nettoyer timoun. Nettoyer timoun sa a. Nettoyer..." He tapped his hands together over them as he closed his eyes and did the spell.

The girl's eyes slowly opened in synch, they both were tired and weak as they tried sitting up though Joshlynn's arm gave out under her and she leaned over on Hope. "Mom?" The older Mikaelson witch spoke.

Hayley rushed over, wrapping the two girls up in her arms. "That's it," Vincent spoke in a commanding tone as his eyes stayed focused on Joshlynn. "Your little girls are purified."

"Thank you," Hayley said as she helped the girls up though seeing how shaky Joshlynn still was a worried Kol didn't waste a second before rushing over to help his daughter.

"Now look, the only gratitude I need from any of you is seeing you leave the city," Vincent spoke finally turning away from the girls.

Seeing Kol having everything under control with Joshlynn Hayley turned Hope. "Go see your daddy."

Hope turned away from them and walked toward Klaus when crows started falling around her in a circle terrifying the child until Hayley stepped into it grabbing a hold of Hope and the birds stopped. The shaky younger Mikaelson suddenly gripped onto her father in a way that was very different than their hug at the fort. In this hug, he could feel her fear radiating off from her. She buried her head into the crook of his neck he wrapped his hands around her stabilizing the trembling witch.

"What is this?" Klaus questioned Vincent as he turned his attention from the dead crows surrounding his daughter.

"I don't know," Vincent answered walking back into the environment that was clearly not dealt with.

"Mom? Can you hear that? It's... whispers. Saying a name. Over and over." Hope explained as she looked around the room. "Kre Nah Han... Kre Nah Han..."

"Vincent, what... what is that?" Hayley's trembling voice asked.

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