Chapter 13:The Feast of All Sinners

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"You're bloody joking! Japan!" Klaus screamed into the phone.

"You already knew this," Kol pummeled back, ignoring the eyes staring at him in the airport terminal. "I'm already coming back so maybe while you wait for me you can search for the other missing Mikaelson witch!?"

Joshlynn had vanished the night before in her sleep, the idea of finding a power-dampening bracelet with a better clasp was definitely a priority he'd deal with later. Davina had done a locator spell and gotten absolutely nothing so now Kol passed in an airport waiting for the only flight back to America. With no private planes at the airport available, Kol used compulsion to get himself a seat and move the flight up a few hours, though he still wouldn't be there anytime soon.

"I'll have Freya do a locator spell and Marcel can get the vampires searching for her as well as Hope." Klaus agreed, though he knew last time Joshlynn went missing she wasn't found until the Hollow wanted her found. Though what happened in Hope's mind gave him hope, she was getting stronger and maybe then she would be able to fight back enough for them to find her this time.

Kol took a long shaky breath trying to stop his leg from bouncing as he sat down, he failed at that. "Thank you, I'll be there in about 14 hours. Hopefully, Joshlynn will be at your side."

"She will," Klaus spoke with more confidence than he felt. "We'll find her."


Josh stood in Rousseau's holding up his phone which showed a photo of the two smiling, missing little girls to the group. "I just texted all of you their photo. Now, Marcel literally said 'scour the city.' That means everyone is searching everywhere. Witches, check the Cauldron. Vampires, search the Quarter."

As everyone stood from their spots heading for the door when a previously dead Dominic walks in with a group of his own. "Hello, Joshua." The witch spoke dripping with confidence.

"No way." Josh uttered back in shock.

"Goodbye, Joshua." Dominic's hand shooks up, throwing Josh back into the wall with the same velocity. His attention then turns to the other vampires in the room as he squeezes his fist and they all drop to the ground holding their heads as they scream in pain. "Degenerate vampire filth. Now, why would noble witches stoop to associate with these... parasites? Now, if you wish to embrace true power, and rid your city of vermin, declare your allegiance to the Hollow."

"You kidnapped a little girl." One of the witches spoke up though her voice was timid and shaky. "You expect us to be on your side when you kidnap the young of the coven."

Dominic shakes his head as he smiles at the witches 'incompetence'. "We didn't kidnap Hope Mikaelson, we merely reperpaced her power."

"I'm talking about Joshlynn Claire." The witch continued. "The ancestors spoke with our harvest girls and she is one of us, we won't let you hurt her."

Though from the look on Dominics face this was news to him. "I suppose finding Miss. Claire is a task we can all contribute to."


"Kol is still a few hours out and no word from Hayley." Klaus spoke, pulling his phone away from his ear.

"Try again." Elijah instructed

"What is the bloody point..." Klaus started only to be cut off.

"Niklaus, try again!" Elijah snapped at him.

Though as if on cue the missing hybrid comes walking through the door. "Where have you been?" Klaus questions her.

"Doesn't matter." Hayley answered. "Vincent told me everything. Is this really happening?

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