Chapter 6:Bag of Cobras

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It had been a bit over twenty-four hours since Joshlynn had killed Mary and she couldn't bring herself to sleep or eat or really do anything. Kol and Hayley had been starting to get worried so it was decided that Kol would take the girls out and his master plan was Josh. So as he arrives with an exhausted and depressed Joshlynn on his hip and a worried Hope holding his hand he finds Josh being threatened by the one and only Sofya. "You will find Marcel, or I will reconsider allowing you to live."

"Now that's no way to make friends." Kol's voice sounded from the front door as he walked into the loft with the girls.

Josh seemed almost relieved as he saw the original which was a slightly unnerving feeling. Sofya's attention turned to Kol. "Where's Marcel?"

"Oh, I haven't got a clue. Been a bit busy trying to occupy my daughter and niece from what I'm sure is a horror show that you're right at the head of." Kol egged her on.

"Josh is busy." Sofya declared.

Kol raised his eyebrows at the girl annoyed before placing a soft kiss on Joshlynn's temple and resting her on her feet beside Hope. He let go of Hope's hand as he walked over toward Sofya and spoke in a low threatening tone only the vampires could hear. "The last twenty-four hours have been absolute hell for my daughter and I need Uncle Josh here to help cheer her up. If you don't think that's a good enough reason to be taking Josh for the day then you can deal with me. But I will warn you that after recently killing her werewolf grandmother I'm honestly somewhat scared of what she could do if she doesn't get a bit of rest and relaxation."

Josh's eyes zapped to his goddaughter as he suddenly saw the shakiness of her demeanor. Whether it was fear or exhaustion he didn't know but, it was clear that she wasn't okay. "I'm staying." Josh decided, not giving a damn about Sofya's opinion on the subject. He slowly walked around the two older vampires who were standing their ground and squatted in from of the two little girls. "Hey kiddos you remember me, I'm Uncle Josh."

"Hi, I'm Hope." Hope greeted extending the hand to him that wasn't wrapped over Joshlynn's shoulder. "I didn't know we had another Uncle."

Josh smiled at her as he shook her hand and answered, "Actually I was was a friend of Davina, Joshlynn's mom, I loved her like a sister." Joshlynn's eyes met Josh's at the mention of her mother and Josh decided to keep her attention. "How about we get you two some food?" Josh comments as he pulls the girls over his shoulders forcing a giggle from each of them as he walked them out of his loft assuming Kol would follow and hoping Sofya wouldn't.


After picking up a special course from Rousseau's the four of them found themselves sitting on the floor of the attic of St. Anne's Church, Davina's attic. "Okay, New Orleans' famous gumbo, your Mom ate it by the gallon when she was pregnant with you," Josh spoke to Joshlynn as he pulled the to-go containers out of the brown bag. Hope's face lit up at the food as she took one of the bowls and put it in front of Joshlynn with a spoon before reaching for her own.

Joshlynn looked down at the food before slowly opening it up and stirring it while everyone else dug in. "Mmhh." Kol exclaimed, "I forgot how good this stuff was."

Joshlynn watched him take another few bites before taking one of her own and smiling at the warm gumbo. It wasn't quite a homemade turkey sandwich but it was a close second. Joshlynn ate another spoonful before throwing out a question as she glanced between the vampires. "Can you tell more about her?"

Josh let out a chuckle as leaned back on the bed behind him. "Oh have I got stories."

"Age-appropriate stories." Kol intervened.

"Obviously." Josh deadpanned before turning back to the young witches. "When I first met your Mom she was helping me get control of myself again after kinda losing it. After she saved me, like she always did, she was supposed to make me forget all about her, at least that's what she was told she had to do. But, she was the first person in New Orleans to make anything feel normal and she didn't end up doing it. We became each other's, secret keepers."

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