Author Announcement

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Hey everyone I wanna start out but saying do not worry this is not me canceling the series it will continue. I just wanted to take a moment to explain my absence and spread some awareness I guess on what I'm going through. A few months ago right before my high school graduation I was diagnosed with general anxiety disorder. For those of you that don't know what it is for me it's like a constant anxiety for my entire life. I'm constantly on the verge of an anxiety attack and when panic attacks start I'm completely unable to get control of myself.

Recently I've been starting to try medications but they've been making it worse at the moment so let's hope we see the turn around. I'm taking a gap semester from school because the amount of absolute fear I have when I try and leave my house for even work is becoming consuming. Not to mention the fact that I haven't felt safe in a classroom in years.

So hopefully you'll have more chapters soon as writing is the coping mechanism that seems to help me the most but if I go silent again this is the reason. I'm not abandoning Joshlynn or any of my readers I'm just trying handle my mental health along with my stories.

I love you all and every comment I see on all my stories fills me with more joy than you can know. Thank you for reading and I hope you all continue as we start nearing the end of this book and move on to teenage Joshlynn.

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