Chapter 8:Voodoo in my Blood

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Joshlynn stood in the center of the grand room staring straight on at the jaw bone that jolted on the table turning in a circle. She could hear voices echoing in her head blasting as they threw information at her. She'd been hearing the voices since but they were barely audible until now. Now amongst the chaos, one voice stood out clearer than if it were speaking beside her. The voice was calm and comforting to Joshlynn, almost as if out of a dream, she trusted it.

Hope came in with Hayley and Kol as they each held one of her hands lifting her off the ground making her swing slightly and giggle. Though Hope's face fell as she saw Joshlynn's frozen one, locked on the bone that'd never do her any good. Hope could hear the same faint muttering she'd heard all alone and learned to ignore but the stiffness that shot through her spine, that was new. "Ella?" The little girl spoke aloud as her feet touched the ground and the vampires eyes focused on the youngest Mikaelson.

"She's ready," Joshlynn spoke. Her voice seemed mature as if the words weren't her own the feeling left Kol unsteady and her crystal blue eyes beamed up to his.

Klaus entered as Kol knelt down in front of Joshlynn letting his hand brush over her fastened bracelet while Hayley held Hope tight to her side looking over Kol's shoulder. "Who's ready, Darling?" Kol questioned only focused on her.

"Mama." The word seemed to send a pain through Kol's chest, a word he'd imagined she's never call anyone. Davina was gone and they'd never get her back. "Mama wants you to come to Saint Anne's Church," Joshlynn explains as blood starts dripping from her nose.

"Hayley." Kol voices and the vampire vanishes and appears beside him with kleenex.

As Kol tries to get the bloody nose under control Klaus questions. "What does she want?"

"Daddy at Saint Anne's Church, duh." Joshlynn sasses as she takes over for Kol's hand on the tissue.

Kol stands up his eyes shifting but his hand still touching the top of her head. Kol's eyes meet with Hayley and a seeming understanding is made as she gives him a nod and refocuses on Joshlynn. "You're gonna stay with Aunt Hayley and Hope okay?"

"I know," Joshlynn spoke disappointed with a nod as she squeezed the tissue to her face. "Bye Daddy."

Kol hesitates before placing a kiss on her forehead and heading out the door with Klaus on his tail. Hayley walks up to Joshlynn moving the tissue to look at her nose. "Let's clean this up shall we?"


Kol and Klaus slowly entered the church so much had happened within. It was silent as they crept their way in. "It's too quiet," Kol spoke in a whisper.

"Of course it's quiet. It's a trap." Klaus said not at all worried about springing said trap.

Kol rolled his eyes as he shook his head. "Davina wouldn't use Joshlynn to trap us."

"Well, maybe it wasn't Davina. Maybe it was some other witch that said she was Joshlynn's mother." Klaus suggested looking around the empty church.

"No, the French Quater witches seem to like my daughter so maybe they're just helping one of their own." Kol guessed sitting on the arm of the pew.

"Joshlynn isn't a French Quarter witch she's a Mikaelson, they'd never do her a favor be realistic." Klaus snapped shaking his head to the floor as he turned around. "And while we're on the subject, she's five. If anyone wants to talk to her, they should ask our permission."

"She's not your kid." Kol shot back with an amused smile.

"Technically not yours either Klaus responded with a proud smirk. "You'll learn to be protective eventually."

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