Chapter 10:Phantomesque

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"Rebekah just landed. I assured her we're mere moments from returning our brother to life. Don't make me a liar." Klaus spoke strutting into the room.

"I can't resurrect Elijah until I'm certain his mind is whole," Freya explained to her younger brother.

Kol had spent every moment since he'd come home to a missing Joshlynn looking for her over New Orleans. He hadn't even found a clue. Now here he was hours after her disappearance and his family's focus was on the already dead thousand-year-old vampire over the hopefully still alive five-year-old girl. "How about you let Elijah stay dead for a few more hours and help me find my daughter?"

The attention shifted to the same doorway Klaus had just entered, where Kol was now hurrying his way through possibly more riled up than Klaus's entrance. The room suddenly had a very different feel, the anger that had been boiling in Klaus had gone out as if blowing out a flame. The girls stood just as worried but their worry somehow was more split than Kol and Klaus's. "I did a locator spell last night and found nothing Kol," Freya explained, she seemed exhausted and she was. She hadn't slept last night as she searched for a way to help her brother and her niece, she didn't have the supernatural ability to be fine without sleep that her family had.

"Well then do something else!" Kol exclaimed.

"I tried Kol, I did but I don't know what to do to find her. But I know how to save Elijah so I'll do that first and as soon as I do I'll search every grimoire I can find for a locator spell that'll work." Freya attempted to reason though it was satisfying Kol.

"Why is it that it's always my daughter that has to be the second priority!? Elijah's already dead he can wait in death a bit longer for you to help find a five-year-old girl who's also your family if you've forgotten!" Kol was more pissed off at his family than he had been in years. Joshlynn was missing and suddenly any other moment of annoyance, extreme fight, death threat, none of it compared to how he felt about them choosing Elijah over her. Well, most of them choosing him.

"She is a Mikaelson, she is family." Klaus's voice fell into the conversation, he seemed calm and collected clearly trying to steady his younger brother. Klaus understood the fear of a daughter in jeopardy and his priority's shifted the second he'd been reminded of her situation. "I'll help you find her." Klaus planted a hand on the back of Kol's neck pulling him out of the room and shouting over his shoulder, "Call me when Elijah's safe." He then turned his attention back to his brother and spoke in a low voice hoping Hayley wouldn't hear. "Luckily we've got another witch here that happens to have a certain connection to our Little Witch."


Hope sat on the floor of her bedroom closing her eyes and concentrating on Joshlynn. Klaus and Kol stood beside her watching as she performed the spell Kol had instructed her to do. Hope was more than happy to do the spell, between finding her cousin and getting to do magic she was committed within a second. Klaus though had told her not to mention it to her mother as Hayley might not be found of her being involved though Kol found that extremely hypocritical.

After a second fire shot out of the map, a clear symbolism of Kol's hope going out in flames. Kol looked down at his family as the flames went out as quickly as they'd come leaving a map completely burnt to a crisp. "We'll find something else." Klaus encouraged from his spot holding Hope back from the now nonexistent flames. "Hope you did fantastic now why don't you run down for a bit of lunch?" Klaus suggested sending the little girl off as he expected this to be taking a much darker turn in search tactics.

As soon as Hope was out of earshot Kol started speaking, "Keelin said she disappeared which she's done before there's a possibility the Hollow has nothing to do with this."

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