Chapter 11:A Spirit Here That Won't be Broken

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"What the bloody hell does that mean?" Kol called out in rage.

"She's dying Kol." Davina's voice chirped back from within the circle.

Kol refused to believe it. "No, she's fine."

"She was born with the regental connection I had Kol and the ancestors have only been trying to amplify their connection to her since," Davina explained. "They're feeding her more power than her body can handle Kol, she's going to die."

"That doesn't make any sense, why would they do that? Why would they spend her entire existence trying to kill her?" Kol just couldn't understand. The little girl fast asleep in his arms hadn't ever tried to hurt anyone, she'd been trying to be good despite the power she had.

"I don't know," Davina admitted. "Maybe it's payback against me or the Mikaelson family but they want her to die Kol. Everything I've done for the past five years was to make sure she lived but I'm starting to think that she's doomed no matter what I do. But Inadu can save her."

"How?" Kol questioned the more powerful witch.

Inadu looked between father and daughter as she answered. "I take away her magic and sever the connection."

"Absolutely not!" Kol exclaimed, he'd lost his magic and it was one of the things he hated most about being a vampire and he wasn't about to purposefully take hers away too. There had to be another way.

"You do what I say and protect me or Davina dies with me," Inadu spoke holding up her hand as she continued. "And if I die before the spell is complete you'll be responsible for watching as your daughter dies before your eyes whether it be tomorrow or ten years from now." The ring around Davina disappeared and she instantly ran toward her daughter. "Decide by tomorrow morning." She announced as she exited the room leaving the pair with much to discuss.


What followed was a long night of debating between Joshlynn's parents as she slept peacefully and spelled in the attic of the church. Kol had gone out to get them coffee and honestly get a break from back and forth, it had given him a chance to figure out his plan. As he entered the safety of the attic a small smile grew on his face seeing Joshlynn still safe though it drifted instantly at the absence of the woman who had been at her bedside when he left. "Davina?" He called out in question.

Silence persisted and he worriedly hurried in placing the coffee down on a table. "I'm right here," Davina spoke stepping out from behind the clothing screen.

Kol let out a visible sigh of relief seeing her as his stride increased pulling her into a hug. "Oh, for a moment, I thought..." Kol placed a soft kiss on the side of her head.

"It's okay," Davina spoke leaning back to look into his eyes as she took his hands in hers. "I'm still me." She held up her hand showing the bandage as she continues. "Flesh and blood, alive."

"And linked to that monster, you both are," Kol spoke sourly his eyes darting to Joshlynn where Davina's followed.

Davina let go of one of his hands, pulling him toward their daughter's bedside. "She's beautiful."

"Like her mother," Kol responded leaning his chin against the side of her head and wrapping his arms around Davina.

"But she's exactly like you in every possible way." Davina continued a smile laminated on her face. "I watched you guys every day since you came to New Orleans, you're incredible with her. I want that Kol, I want a chance to know her, see her grow up and get married, and have an amazing life. I'm pretty sure this is the only way that happens."

Kol stayed quiet for a few seconds before responding. "Do you trust me?"

"Yes." Davina responded without a moment of hesitation.

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