Chapter 3:Haunter of Ruins

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"What's the holdup?" Kol asked as the Mikaelsons sat around the porch of the beautiful white house Hayley, Hope, and Joshlynn had been living at. "All right, we rescued Nik, we escaped mortal danger... Why are we not on a private jet to Saint-Tropez? You can catch up on the last five years when we're on our way... I assure you you haven't missed much."

"Circumstances have changed," Elijah said annoyed at his brother for taking away his newspaper. "We will leave here soon enough."

"We have our nieces to consider," Rebekah said to her brother.

"Kol has a point. We need to put an ocean between us and Marcel Gerard as soon as possible." Freya said rationally.

"We're not going anywhere today," Klaus said deciding for the group. "I want one day of peace with my daughter before we uproot her."

"I have a daughter here too and I say it'd be safer for her if we left." Kol jumped back into the conversation.

"One day," Klaus commanded. "We're in the middle of nowhere, the house is cloaked, we weren't followed, and I'm not asking!"

As the shouting ends the door opens to Hayley holding Hope's hand. "Everybody, look who's awake," Hayley said introducing Hope in an easy unstressful way.

Hope freezes looking at the lineup of her family as Klaus takes a few steps towards her. "Hello." The seven-year-old speaks shyly.

"Hello," Klaus responds almost timidly.

A shuffle is heard through the hallway before Joshlynn comes fumbling out the doorway at full speed tripping over her untied shoelaces. Hayley caught her mid-fall and steadied her. "What did I tell you about running through the house, especially with your shoes untied."

Kol stood in awe of the adorable little girl watching her smile off the discipline she was getting from Hayley as the hybrid tied her shoe. "Don't do it," Joshlynn answered with a grin.

Hayley shook her head before noticing a bandage on her forearm right below the elbow. "What did you do?" Hayley asked concerned.

"Oh, that," Joshlynn chirped happily. "I fell out of a tree again, don't worry it stopped bleeding after a while but Grandma Mary freaked out."

Hayley let out a sigh of exhaustion before looking at Kol with a look that said 'see'. It was then Joshlynn followed her glance up at the Mikaelsons and seeing Kol's face made her smile fall. The little girl was so conflicted about how exactly she was supposed to feel. Hayley had told her all her life that Kol loved more than anything and would never hurt her but seeing his face all she could see was the dark eyes and blood dripping mouth she'd seen in her nightmares.

Hope grabbed Joshlynn's hand as she asked. "Mom, can we go play in the garden?"

"Yeah. Sure." Hayley said giving the girls a smile before Hope pulled Joshlynn off the porch. Though Joshlynn's eyes seemed frozen on Kol as she easily followed her best friend until her back turned to the originals.


Klaus stood outside watching Hope paint while Kol said inside pouring himself a drink before Hayley arrived. "Not sure getting drunk before bonding with a five-year-old is the way to go," Hayley spoke grabbing the bottle mid-pour.

"Well, your right she's terrified of me so I thought I'd have a drink while she ran off anywhere I wasn't," Kol spoke before drinking the little that was in his glass in one gulp. "Plus it takes more than whatever you've got here to get an original drunk."

"She's not avoiding you she's just thinking." Hayley countered.

"And you know that because you know her, I know absolutely nothing," Kol spoke sadly running his finger around the rim of his glass.

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