Chapter 9:Queen Death

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Joshlynn lay in her bed as still as the dead, yet far from it. She had barely slept at all that night as the moments from the prior days flashed over her brain. She'd watch people day, she'd killed someone she loved, and everything she thought was fact before seemed blurry. Amongst the chaos of the war they were fighting the five-year-old's innocence had wavered, not that it was entirely strong beforehand. The house Mary had died in wasn't the first place Joshlynn had caught on fire, though the last time Hayley had gotten the neighbors out of their home before her body count started. Though they each had gotten burns ranging from minor to serious.

Joshlynn was 2.

Since then a certain darkness from her magic always loomed over her. And paired with her seemingly infinite power, it wasn't a good mixture. She was dangerous. And now the fact that her morals seemed to be shifting into ones of vampires and werewolves the witch was at her most fragile state.

Her most vulnerable state.

"How'd you sleep?" Kol questioned walking into her room catching sight of her slightly glossed-over eyes.

"Okay." She lied in a small, squeaky voice.

Kol may not have known her for very long but the react hell they'd been through seemed to be a crash course into Joshlynn, he was learning her tells. When she was scared she got quiet and held her feelings in. Honestly, Kol had no clue the best way to get a traumatized five-year-old to open up. Maybe a distraction could help. "Well, Uncle Klaus seems to have enough sugar downstairs to rot every one of our teeth, wanna give it a try?"


Kol and Hayley watched impatiently as Freya tried to preform a spell to find Eljah who seemed to be missing. In their worry both the vampires missed the quiet footsteps of a little witch approaching from upstairs to spy through the railing. "Jalgida minu blóo mitt. Jalgida minu blóo mitt." Freya spoke the spell over the map with a circle of blood on it. But it didn't work. "He's cloaked by magic. I can feel it."

Kol turns around wiping his hand down his face and when he looks up in thought he notices the familiar brown haired girl he'd come to adore sticking her head around the wall upstairs peering through the bars. "Darling it's not polite to spy." Kol said signalling the other two to her presence and calling her out. She stood up walking to the railing pressing her face against two of the metal bars so she could look down at them. "Come one.

She skipped down the stairs joining her worried aunts and nonchalant dad. "Can I help find Uncle Elijah?"

Kol's instinct was to say no, she was too young and this was too dangerous but as he shook his head he noticed Freya's face. She didn't look quite as certain about urning down the girl's offer. "She's five!" He snapped at his sister.

"I know." Freya defended herself putting her hands in a surendoring motion in front of her. "But Kol she's strong, I've been watching her spells and I think all she really needs is to learn how to use it to help people instead of hurt them."

Stepping toward Freya and speaking in a hushed voice Joshlynn couldn't hear Kol explained. "Davina said the ancestors want her dead so I really don't think now is the best time to be trying new magical things."

"If we find Elijah and end this I can make it me pull priority to make sure nothing happens to her. I'll figure out what Davina was talking about and I'll be able to stop whatever's coming next but I can't do that Kol if we're stuck in this never ending war." Freya persuaded, She wanted to help her niece of course but as she had said more important things needed to be dealt with now.

"Maybe we should think about this Kol." Hayley added shocking Kol to his bones. She'd been Joshlynn's number one advocate and now, what, Elijah had become a bigger priority than his five-year-old daughter?

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