Chapter 12:Voodoo Child

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Blue light. Blue light was all Joshlynn could see as she sat in the seemingly empty room. Well, she assumed it was a room though her eyes were shut tight trying to put a barrier between herself and the blinding light. After days of silence in the light, the torture of the quiet became completely overwhelming. And the longer she sat there she could feel the floor cracking under her, slowly of course but like the one thing keeping her stable was breaking away.

Days of fear and isolation ended though when she heard her father's voice. "Hey, Kiddo." The voice felt miles away farther than she dared reach for him but then she heard her own answer back. "Dad?" She hadn't spoken a word. That wasn't her she wanted to scream but she couldn't, she wasn't at the front of her mind she wasn't even in her own at the moment, and when she opened her eyes she saw that.

She was in the Mikaelson compound but the world felt cold and the blue light shined in from the windows sending a blue hue onto everything. She stood right outside Hope's door which stood closed. As Joshlynn tried to twist the doorknob open it refused to move. Her hand eased back and she closed her eyes feeling the power leave her hand like a bomb and the sound fit that feeling. She could see the door thrown on the other side of the room, the doorframe slightly broken apart too.

As Joshlynn stepped into the room she saw Hope sitting against the wall, her knees up to her chest shaking with fear. But that wasn't all she saw Inadu also stood a few feet in front of Hope and her attention was turning over to the youngest witch. That's when a simple word left her mouth, "No." Her hand raised and Joshlynn woke up in a bed.

Before Joshlynn could understand anything that was going on Kol was at her side his hand on the side of her face with a smile. "Hey, you're okay slow down." Joshlynn looked down at the tube attached to her arm going to pull it out before Kol stopped her. "Hey, no, you need that okay? You haven't had any water in a few days this is getting you some medicine to help you feel better."

"Hope." Joshlynn crocked out though her throat felt like it was on fire.

"Here." Kol coached grabbing an open water bottle and holding it up to her mouth which she quickly took and drank. "Hope's okay she's in New Orleans."

That's when Joshlynn finally noticed her surroundings, she wasn't in the compound she was on a plane. It was a small plane not one with a bunch of seats just 3 rows of two all behind the hospital gurney she was laying on. Though she and Kol weren't the only ones on the plane. "Momma?"

Davina timidly stepped toward them, Butterfinger was resting between her hands. She was nervous, more nervous than she'd thought she'd be. This was her daughter why would she need to worry? "Hi." Davina's voice felt smaller than Kol had ever heard it, the fear seeping through the two letters but Joshlynn didn't seem to notice as a smile broke through her face.

"Hi," Joshlynn spoke back her voice more full of life as if to feed Davina her energy. Joshlynn's eyes went up to her father as she questioned. "Momma's back?"

"Yeah, Momma's back," Kol answered with a smile.

And their family was together, for now at least. Jaan was the destination but they still held a few more hours in their flight hours that would prove to Davina ad Kol just how little control they actually held over Joshlynn Claire Mikaelson.


An hour had passed and Davina now laid beside Joshlynn, one arm holding her close while the other ran her fingers through her hair. Joshlynn had been getting colder and more exhausted as they'd spoken, now drifting off to sleep in her mother's arms.

A few feet away Kol watched them as he spoke to his brother on the phone. "You're telling me the Hollow is in Hope?" Kol clarified quietly enough Joshlynn wouldn't hear.

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