Chapter 7:High Water and a Devil's Daughter

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"A man of words and not of deeds, is like a garden full of weeds. And when the weeds begin to crawl, it's like a bird upon the wall. And when the bird away does fly, it's like an eagle in the sky. And when the sky begins to roar, it's like a lion at the door. And when the door begins to crack it's like a stick across your back. And when your back begins to smart, it's like a knife inside your heart. And when your heart begins to bleed, you're dead and dead and dead indeed." Joshlynn laid on her stomach on the attic floor her head propped up on her elbows, listening as her cousin read out from a book.

"Not exactly the most uplifting reading material." Klaus's voice rang out grabbing the attention of the little girls.

"It's an old book of rhymes." Hope explained, "There's a lot of weird stuff here."

Looking between the Mikaelson witches Klaus requested. "You know, girls, I'd rather you didn't play here, actually. All the splinters and the dust... and the bats."

Joshlynn's head shot up to the ceiling as if hoping to see one. "There aren't any bats." Hope denied.

"I've seen no evidence that your Uncle Elijah doesn't sleep here, hanging upside down." Klaus jokes earning a small giggle from the girls and a big smile from him.

"Uncle Elijah can't sleep upside down cause that would mean you and my Dad did too," Joshlynn answered with a loud laugh as she flipped onto her back looking backward at Klaus.

"Well I suppose you're right," Klaus answered as his attention focused in on the Claire girl. "Oh, Little Witch, what would we do without your brilliant insights." He continued earning an even wider smile from the little girl he'd surprisingly grown to like.

"Dad," Hope asked, "was there a little boy who used to live here?"

Klaus's face fell as he searched for a response. "Come along, sweetheart. We can discuss ancient history another time." Hope grabbed one of the toy soldiers before taking Klaus's hand as Joshlynn quickly jumped up patting her dust-covered jeans and took his other hand.

"Are we hanging out with my Dad and Uncle Josh again today?" Joshlynn asked hopefully as she jumped down the stairs only being steadied by Klaus stopping her from falling almost every step.

"No, I'm afraid Uncle Kol is busy helping Aunt Freya with something today. We'll be staying around here." Klaus answered her though he was honestly pretty focused on making sure she didn't fall.

Hope on the other hand was watching her face as it faltered. "How about we show Mr. Moby and Velma around the house? Only Butterfinger has seen it so far."

"That's cause you stole them!" Joshlynn snapped turning backward to face Hope as she continued her method of transportation, blindly jumping to the next step. Only this time utterly missing it making Klaus have to use both hands to catch her mid-fall.

"No more jumping on the stairs!" Klaus demanded once steadying her on the step.



Joshlynn and Hope had spent most of the afternoon running around the house showing Joshlynn's stuffed animals the Mikaelson home. After a while, they found themselves in the tunnels under the compound.

"Hi. I think this is yours." Hope greeted as she entered through the gate first holding the toy soldier. Joshlynn snuck in behind her though she couldn't see anything or anyone in the room.

"Hope." He recognized the older girl before his eyes fell to the younger one with the long light brown hair. "Joshlynn, you look just like her."

Hope looked back at Joshlynn's confused face before the younger witch spoke up. "Who are you talking to Andy?"

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