promises made, promises broken

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Broken vows are like broken mirrors

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Broken vows are like broken mirrors. They leave those who held to them bleeding and staring at fractured images of themselves
- Richard Paul Evans

"You should get going now..."

Bella said while snivelling into her cold, boyfriends arms.

"...Charlie will be back soon and I don't reckon he'll enjoy the visit, he still doesn't like you after what happened." Bella said motioning to the bite mark left on her arm.

She often pondered over the mark. Some people would be mortified to have such a hideous thing ruining their image but not Bella. For her it was symbolic.

It was a sorta of sign that immortality beckons for her. For her and Edward. The vampire couple that are perfect. Absolutely perfect for each.


"Yeah?" Bella was suddenly booted out of her own subconscious by the dreamy voice.

"I am going to head out now, I'll see you tomorrow at school". Edward left a lingered kiss on her forehead, sniffing her scent before running out the window.

And right on time because here is Charlie's police cruiser and her. The queen of darkness. The cold bitch.

What. A. Joy!

Bella left the comfort of her bedroom and walked down the stairs. There were 13 steps to the door.

13 steps to Ella.

Hehehe, come on Bella, come on! Ice is so funny Bella, come on!

12 steps to Ella.

I'm scared Elly, it's slippery. Elly I'm going to fall.

11 steps to Ella

It's okay bell, just grab my hand. I promise I won't let anything harm you.

10 steps to Ella

Do you promise?

9 steps to Ella

Crossing my heart bell.

8 steps to Ella

Dad, DAD, DAD! Elly fell, she fell into the cold.

7 steps to Ella

Elly come back, please, who will play with me now? Please, Elly, please.

6 steps to Ella

Elly will be fine Bella. Don't worry my sweet baby. Your sister is going to be fine.

5 steps to Ella


4 steps to Ella

It's this godforsaken town, with those godforsaken people. I'm taking my daughters. That's it.

3 steps to Ella

Our daughters Renee, OUR!

2 steps to Ella

Well it wasn't "us" that landed one of them traumatized in a fucking coma. No. That was just you.

1 steps to Ella

Elly, you promised. I'm scared.

There are no more stairs now. Bella reached the ground floor, standing face-to-face with her twin. Noelle.

As Charlie went to get her bags, Ella and Bella were stuck in a battle of stares. Not one giving up, not one determined to break the silence.

"Alright, that is the last of your bags" Charlie dropped Ella's duffle bag on the floor noticing the quiet demeanour of the house. So quiet you can hear the nom-existential rats in the wall.

"Hey Ella"


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