ghastly truths; godly parents.

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They are his oddparents
Fairly oddparents
Wands and wings
Floaty crowny things

Noelle screamed the deeper she fell into the black water. She screamed and screamed until the water had filled her lungs.

Noelle floated in the dark looking up at the crack within the ice through which she fell. The moon shone brightly through it.

It complimented her white hair as it floated around her body in the cold water.

Do not be afraid my child.

An angelic voice echoed through Noelle's mind. The voice was a soft and feminine voice. It sounded slight melancholic but beautiful nonetheless.

We are here.

Another voice replied. This one was masculine. It was a strong and deep voice. A protector's tone resonated in his voice.

Let us show you who you truly are my darling child.

The moonlight shone brighter and brighter until all Noelle could see was a white surrounding her. The light was so bright it burned her eyes slightly until a voice grounded her. It was a child's voice.

"Come on Belly!"

"Elly I'm scared."

"Don't be scared."

A younger Noelle promised a younger Bella. This was it. The day of the accident.

Older Noelle looked at the sight unfold before her eyes. The Swan siblings were dancing and running around on the ice. They were happy and smiling. Older Noelle smiled at the scene. How she missed those days with Bella.

Lost in their folly and joy a purple bracelet flew through the air and landed far away onto the ice.

"Elly! My bracelet!" Screamed a younger Bella.

Older Noelle started to remember. Bella and her made sister bracelets a few days prior to the accident. The same bracelet had suddenly fallen of Bella's small wrist and fallen on the ice.

"It's okay Belly. We can make another one!" Younger Noelle chirped.

"But...but that was my favourite." Younger Bella frowned at the thought of replacing her favourite purple bracelet.

"I'm sorry Belly but dad said not to go too far out on the ice."

"I know. It''s my favourite bracelet Elly! Please!"

"I'll get it for you but get dad if something bad happens okay Belly?."

"Something bad? Like what Elly?."

"Like if I fall Belly!"

"Okay." And with that statement Noelle fate was sealed.

Older Noelle couldn't watch anymore as the younger version of herself walked out on the thin ice and fell victim to the cracks. The ice had gotten thinner farther away and it broke easily under her heel.

"Elly?" Bella questioned. There was pause before the younger Bella ran off to find her father. A singular pause is what changed the course of Noelle's life and it's something she always blamed Bella for.

The older Noelle walked up to the tragic scene  and looked at the ice that had taken her younger self.

Older Noelle put her head under the water and saw everything as clear as she could. She saw her younger version suffocate under the pressure of the water. She watched as her body slowly went lifeless.

Not even a few seconds later two glowing orbs moved around the younger Noelle's body. The orbs soon transformed into two entities.

A women, with a pale blue skin and marking over her forehead. She had sapphire blue eyes that complimented her fierce look. Her long, white hair travelled down to her waist and softly floated under the cold water. Her armour was thick, a white wolf's coat was draped over a shoulder, a symbol of her heroic strength. Her bow and quiver hanged from her shoulder. It was Skadi, the warrior goddess. She gave an air of a frightening aura, but her gaze upon the child was one of adoration. She gently cradled the small child to her chest. Her crystal eyes gazed softly on the poor, unfortunate babe.

My love?

Asked the second entity by Skadi's side. It was her betrothed, Njord, God of the Sea. He had a cunning look. His slick black hair glimmered under the water. His eyes were white crystal orbs. His armour was light, compared to his wife. But on his waist hang daggers the size of giant mammals and on his shoulders a bioluminescent cloak. Although, Njord had a fierce gaze, it had slowly softened by the sight of his wife and the innocent babe in her arms.

She is our child Njord. I will not let her lie alone.

Our child has to be blessed Skadi, my love.

Njord softly replied to his beautiful partner.

Then we shall.

Under the shy moonlight, Njord and Skadi held the babe. They held her close to the both of them. Njord pressed his hand to his chest and extracted a blue orb, and Skadi proceeded to do the same. However, Skadi's orb was white. They combined the two glistening and placed it on the younger Noelle's forehead.

Our darling child.

Our beautiful babe.

Noelle was reborn. Her hair was white, such as her mother, her eyes glimmered white like her fathers.

Princess Ilsa, you are blessed and loved. We shall always accompany you my child. Skadi replied.

Our presence will protect you. It will engulf around you my beautiful princess. Njord added.

The new parents carried their child to the surface of the ice. Making sure to deliver her to the safety of her human care-takers.

"Oh my god! NOELLE!" Charlie screamed. He saw his daughter floating on the surface of the ice. He quickly grabbed Noelle in his arms, after feeling a faint pulse and carried her to the nearest hospital.

The screen unfolded fast but the only person who noticed the Norse God and Goddess was Billy. He could see them standing over Noelle, with nothing but warmth and adoration in their eyes.

Njord met Billy's eyes and whispered softly, "take care of our daughter shapeshifter." And soon Njord and Skadi disappeared.

And that was the tale of how Noelle Swan died and Princess Ilsa was born.

The twist!

Oh my heavens (quite literally!)

No cliffhangers like I promised ! Or did I?
(Evil laugh!)

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Love you all.

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