happy birthday dear president

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There are many who don't wish to sleep for fear of nightmares

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There are many who don't wish to sleep for fear of nightmares.
Sadly, there are many who don't wish to wake for the same fear.
- Richelle Goodriche

A black veil clouding sight. Through minimal visibility there is a casket.

In the corner, Bella is crying. She is hugging her body, her face in her hands.

"No, no, no, no" is the only words that are repeated in the background. It feels like an orchestra playing in the back, constantly drilling the same four words through the hall.

As the point of view gets closer to the casket, there are three hooded figures sitting behind it. There are four thrones. They occupy only three. They have blood-red eyes that highlight their blank faces. Each extend a dark hand out, a deal with the devil.

"Please no, kill me. Please no!" Bella screams out. The sight is placed on Bella, who is now wearing a red cloak and suddenly the walls start to crack.

Water begins form beneath their feet. Rapidly rising up to the top. It feels suffocating now.

Oxygen is decreasing, lungs are collapsing.

Wake up, wake up, WAKE UP!

Noelle opened her eyes, feeling drenched in sweat only to be greeted with pair of champagne coloured-eyes.


A sharp icicle flies past the intruders face. It however narrowly missed the intended target.


"Well good mornin to you too darlin". Jasper replied, having ducked just in time before Noelle's deadly icicles could pierce his porcelain skin.

Noelle needed a moment to compose herself. She had just awakened from a nightmare that has been on repeat for weeks now. Noelle had tried to decode it but to no avail.

"You alright?" Jasper asked in his deep Texan accent.

"Yeah..just give me a moment." She replied between deep breathes.

"Nightmare again?"

"Yeah...it's the same one Jas. The same fucking one!" Noelle yelled. She threw a pillow across her room and ran her fingers through her hair.

Noelle has been practising to contain her power so her need for gloves has been decreasing at a steady pace. Jasper believed her powers were had a direct relationship to her emotions. So, if she had a control on herself she could control her outbursts more often. But controlling emotions was easier said than done.

"Easy sweetheart."

"Easy for you to say cowboy. You don't have suffer the same nightmare every night!"

"No I do not. However, I do have to suffer your sour mood that radiates from them. So samesies ?"

"I do not know how comfortable I am with a thousand year old Texan vampire saying samesies!"

"Haha, well how do you feel about a thousand year old vampire singing happy birthday?"

"About the same as shoving a red, hot poker down my throat." Noelle replied with a grin.

"Aigh, aigh, aigh" Jasper replied with his hands raised.

"But I still got you a present!"

"I'm not opposed to that idea!" Noelle said. Opposed to her twin Noelle did not resent her twin. Her birthday meant that she survived another year of pain and anguish. It meant she was strong. She preserved.

Noelle quickly grabbed the coral wrapped box from Jasper. She unwrapped it to find a very delicate sterling snowflake dangling from a silver chain. The snowflake was adorned with pearls on each arm that accompanied an encrusted diamond in the middle.

Noelle was astonished by Jasper's gift. She was speechless. She looked up at him with doe eyes and whispered, "Jas?"

"Happy birthday Noelle."

"It's beautiful...oh Jasper thank you!" Noelle yelled and jumped straight into his arms.

Jasper hugged his soul-sister back and didn't let her go. He was never going to let her go. He was waiting all his life for love and now it was presented to him. Jasper promised to never let her go.

"I am glad you like it darlin."

"Like it? I love it!"

Jasper smiled.

"Will you put in on me please?"

"Of course."

Jasper clasped the delicate snowflake around Noelle, his precious flake of snow.

Noelle ran to her nearest mirror to look at the beautiful piece of jewelry. She was in-awe.

"Thanks Jas."

"Don' mention it...I'll see you at school darlin."

"See you at school Jas". Noelle replied.

While they both wanted to spend time in each others company the rumours running rampant at school had increased their frequency. Although, Jasper and Noelle both knew their bond was a sibling affair. Their love was familial with each and not sexual. However, Noelle felt for Alice's reputation it was best if they were all seen together lesser. Just until the gossip mongers moved on to another unsuspecting victim.

As Jasper was leaving through the window he paused and turned back to Noelle, "ah darlin, the Major wants to see you today after school."


"Don't worry, he wants to see you on your birthday."

"Oh okay then. Same place?"

"Yes darlin."

"Okay! Now scram Jasper Hale I want to go see my father!"

"Aigh I'm leaving! Goodbye sweetheart."

And with Jasper left Noelle, standing alone in her room with a smile on her face. She immediately ran out the door and called for her father.

"Daddddddd, it's my birthday!" She yelled as she ran down the stairs.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Love you all.

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