the revelation

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well if it isn't
the consequences
to my actions

"Good morning." Emily chirped at the half-dazed Noelle.

"Hi." Noelle shyly replied.

"How do you feel?" Emily asked. She knew what Noelle had been through. Migrating through past memories was risky business and it exacted a heavy toll.

"Umm human?"

"Ha! That's funny. I like you!" Emily smiled. She gave off the same warmth and kindness as Billy. Noelle felt at peace in her presence.

"Oh before I forget! Charlie dropped by when you were asleep. Here you go." Emily said as she handed Noelle a bag of clothes that Charlie had packed for her including a pair of gloves and her pills.

Noelle smiled at how thoughtful Charlie was. He thought if everything. He truly was a wonderful dad.

"Thanks...and actually I don't think I'll need these." Noelle replied as she passed Emily the bottle of pills. Noelle used to take the pills because she wanted to quiet the voices and screams inside her thoughts but now she knew those were her parents keeping a faithful eye on her. And she never wanted to lose them again.

"Oh and Emily please call me Ilsa."

Emily gave her warm smile. "Of course! What a beautiful name."

"Thank you."

"Oh and when you are washed up the guys are waiting for you outside. They are really excited to meet the Princess!"

Ilsa returned a warm smile to Emily and headed to the bathroom to clean up for the day. She took the overnight bag Charlie had left her and locked the bathroom door behind her.

Ilsa looked back into the mirror and stared at the reflection looking back at her.

Her irises were white, complimenting her luscious white hair that she inherited from her warrior parents.

For the first time in forever Ilsa no longer loathed her appearance. She did not feel any hateful emotions toward her features. After everything, Ilsa felt proud of herself. She was a beautiful copy of the parents that had blessed her. Ilsa had started to understand Billy's words now. She was not a curse but a blessing. And as she got ready for the ready she kept repeating her mantra;

"A blessing, not a curse. Noelle Swan is dead and I am Ilsa Njorddaughter."

Ilsa walked outside the bathroom, and passed Emily on her way out to meet Billy. She gave Emily a fleeting smile as she left through the front door.

Outside, Ilsa was greeted by Billy and another gentleman, who seemed to be missing a shirt.

"Good morning Ilsa."

"Good morning Uncle."

"How did you sleep?"

"Amazing. For the first time in a while the screams were tolerable." Ilsa smiled coyly, hinting at the truth.

"Ah, I am glad." Billy replied quacking catching on her note.

The gentleman beside Billy cough to hint at his presence.

"Oh Ilsa I want you to meet Sam Uley. The alpha of the pack."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Sam!" Ilsa replied by extending her hand to the Alpha.

"It's an honour to meet you Princess." Sam said as he shook her hand.

"Please call me Ilsa. I am still not used to the whole 'princess' aspect of my birth."

"Well, I hope the Princess of the Moon Elements does not hold any ill will towards the pack, Ilsa."

"Ill will?"

"Well sweetheart, the pack was sorta of responsibility for last night. I don't know how much you remember before-"

Isla's eye darkened as she cut Billy off and said, "the wolves."

Sam shifted his weight. He knew of Ilsa's power and now she was stronger than ever.

Ilsa walked toward Sam. The difference between the two supernatural beings was great but their commonality was huge. They both served a greater purpose than themselves with honour and pride.

As Ilsa got closer to Sam, he was worried about how she was going to react but he was suddenly surprised when Ilsa threw her arms around his neck and hugged him.

Sam have a quick glance to Billy, who returned a warm smile to him reassuring Sam of Ilsa kind nature.

Sam returned Ilsa's hug and when they separated she looked up at him and said, "my parents and I are forever in your debt Alpha."

Ilsa turned her gaze back towards Billy and reiterated, "both of you. We are eternally grateful for you help and guidance in mending our family."

"It was our pleasure to serve the God and the Goddess." Billy said

"I still would like you to know that I am extremely pissed at you Uncle for the way you handled it!"

"Water under the bridge, eh sweetheart?"

"Was that supposed to be funny?"

"A bit. Now loosen up darling!"

"Oh loosen up? Like my powers?" Ilsa eye glimmered a white glow.

"Now, now Ilsa." Billy reasoned with the Princess.

Sam just stood in the corner smirking at the great Billy Black, who was now speechless and slightly scared in Ilsa's presence.

The atmosphere was suddenly broken when a voice bellowed over from the gathering, "Is she okay with us! Did you tell her it wasn't our fault! Is going to freeze us to death!"

"She said she is going to freeze the brown wolf because he was responsible for making her fall into the river!" Sam replied loudly.

"WHAT!" The voice yelled.

Sam and Billy laughed out at the little pups terror of the Ice Princess.

"Come out all of you and meet Ilsa." Sam ordered the pack and one by one they sprinkled in.

"Come Ilsa. The pack has been dying to meet you." Billy judged Ilsa toward the pack as they started introducing themselves.

And for a tiny fraction of time, with all the irregularities that surrounded her Ilsa had never felt more at peace with herself and at her place in the world.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Wanted to clarify a few things;

1. Noelle is now Ilsa (big shocker I KNOW!)

2. She has white hair now. She decided to keep her true form instead of hiding it. But her eye colour changes. When she is angry and or wants to show off they change to white but most of the time they remain brown.

Omg two updates in one day?? Who am I? Wattpad god?

Yes. Yes. I am.

Anyways thanks and as always love you all.

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