doom and gloom

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If "I love you" was a promiseWould you break it, if you're honest?Tell the mirror what you know she's heard beforeI don't wanna be you, anymore- Billie Eilish

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If "I love you" was a promise
Would you break it, if you're honest?
Tell the mirror what you know she's heard before
I don't wanna be you, anymore
- Billie Eilish

Elle dragged her feet across the wooden floorboards and instructed them to walk down the stairs.

She was now standing in the common area, backpack in hand, and a mind full negative thoughts. Internally she thought, breathe, breathe, breathe. Like a damn chatter monkey Elle told herself to breathe. It's just a few hours nothing more and nothing less.

"Good morning sweetie".

Charlie trudged in. He wore his uniform, coffee in hand with hair and moustache freshly combed. His prescience gave Elle a break from the mental inferno she was going through.

"Good morning."

"How did you sleep Ells?"

Nightmares about almost killing everyone I hold precious and dear by accidentally causing severe frostbite. Or the fact that I will die a lonely death, nothing more! Elle though. There was something in that dialogue she just couldn't say out loud. So she paraphrased her original answer.

"Nothing much. I was extremely tired from the walk to Billy's so I must have just passed out."

"Oh well."

"Hey Dad I was wondering if you could give me a ride to school until i figure the whole bus thing in Forks?"

"Actually, honey I was think you could ride to school with Bella? I bought her a truck when she moved back home. It's a good sisterly bonding moment."

This was hell. Officially. She couldn't look at Bella right. Both mentally and physically. She couldn't be in her presence. Noelle never considered herself to be the villain or a bully but she had to the play the part to keep her sister away from the monster within her. To keep Bella away from the hidden pain Noelle promises to keep her away from it all. But she broke her promise. She couldn't face her failures, her fears.

The incident with Bella in the morning was the first. But that terrified Elle. She wanted never that first to be a first. She never wanted it to occur at all.

Charlie sensing his oldest hesitations said, "Ells, you promised. You promised you would try and mend this thing with Bella?"

"I know dad. I wait outside for Isabella."

"Thank you honey. Oh and Ells what's with the shades?"

Noelle could not wear contact glasses as they would block her vision. And the white irises would only dissipate after she dealt with her fears and that was always easier said than done.

"My eyes have not yet adjusted to the doom and gloom of Forks hence the stylish piece of eyewear."

Noelle might have cold supernatural powers and she didn't really get out much either but her passion was fashion. It's her one hobby that doesn't require much social presence. It was something just for her and her personality and she loved showcasing her inner-self through it whenever she could.

"Yeah, yeah whatever". Charlie jokingly smirked and waved off his daughter. He was glad she still had some sense of humour. She let her real herself shine through sometimes and those were the moments he cherished with all of his heart.

Noelle waved back and left through the front door to wait for her twin to make her presence known. And right on cue, Bella sprinted down the stairs.

"Heya Charlie, I'm leaving for school!"

Before Bella could leave, Charlie stopped her. He grabbed her arm, and Bella faced him.

"Honey what happened to your hand!" Charlie exclaimed. "Why is it bandaged? Bells what is going on?" Charlie went in interrogation mode to find out the truth behind his daughter's injury.

"Nothing. was making coffee and it spilled so I wrapped it."

Bella lied as easily she could breathe. It was natural to her now. After the whole James fiasco she had to. But, now it was becoming a regular thing and it worried Edward how much Bella was willing to sacrifice and lie just for the sake of their relationship. He sometimes wondered if she did it for their relationship or the chances of her becoming immortal.

"Bells, one day your going to give me a heart attack with all of your adventurous fiascos!"

"Sorry, I gotta go now dad, or I'm going to be late."

"Okay, and Bella before you leave you are driving your sister to school and nope I don't want to hear. It's the end of discussion. Good day honey."

And with that final statement Charlie ushered a muttered Bella to the door and closed it.

And then there were two.

The cold sister and 'the ice queen' sister.

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