planning a funeral

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our paths will never cross again
and that's the way you wanted it

Ilsa was still at Emily's. She had decided to stay to bond with the pack and learn more about her true self. She was reading a mythological book about her parents and their famous exploits. Some of them were quite far-fetched in terms of personality depictions and others did have some truth to them. Ilsa was determined to ask her parents all she could next time she was fated to meet them. But, suddenly Ilsa was disturbed.


"Hey Em."

Emily looked different. She did not have a spring in her step and tears pooled in her eyes.

"Em what's wrong?"

"Billy is outside. He wants to talk to you."

"What's going? Are you okay?"

"You should come outside." Emily finally said she guided Ilsa outside.

Billy was at the door, while a few others stood much farther behind.


"Honey, something is wrong."

"Billy. What's going on? You are scaring me."

"Your sister told your dad about wolves she saw in the woods."

"Is Bella okay?"

"She is fine. Jacob is with her right now."

"Well? Billy, what happened?"

"There was a vampire. Victoria."

"I-uh-don't understand?"

Ilsa looked past Billy and saw Harry holding jacket. A bloodied and beaten down police jacket. But, if Harry and Charlie had gone together, where was Charlie? Ilsa asked herself.

"She went after Charlie."


"We couldn't save him... I'm so sorry sweetheart."

We couldn't save him

We couldn't save him

We couldn't save him





No. No. No. No. No. NO. NOOOOOOOO

Victoria, vampire, Victoria, vampire, Victoria, VAMPIRE

Maybe he can still be turned? Yeah,yeah, he can be turned? Charlie can be turned!

Oh god no.

Oh god



Time had stopped for Ilsa as soon as Billy's last words left his mouth and registered in her mind. Charlie was gone. Her father. The man who had raised her, feed her and comforted her when she was sad.

Her ray of sunshine in her darkest times was gone.

He was gone.

If she went home right now he was not going to be there anymore.

He won't be at Cora's ordering his burger with a side of fries berating Bella for her vegetarian lifestyle.

He wasn't going to be at the station solving the town's issue.

He wasn't going to be at Billy's having a drink because Billy was in-front of her, telling her that he was dead

Charlie Swan was dead.

"Ilsa, honey?"

Instead of words Noelle released a heart-wrenching scream. She was in extreme anguish. She closed her eyes and let it all out. Everything that she kept locked in her Pandora's Box. Ilsa called upon her all her past pains to aid her in her scream.

And so Ilsa screamed. She screamed at the world, at the supernatural, at the vampires, and finally at herself. After Jasper's departure she did not think any pain could be worse than the one she is feeling now but she was sorely mistaken.

Ilsa felt her heart screeching in her ribcage. Ilsa could feel her heart shattering in million pieces. No amount of glue could put them back together any more. Nothing could fix it. It was scarred now, it was tormented and dark.

Her uncontrollable sobbing picked up now. It was beyond painful now. She couldn't breathe anymore but she couldn't stop crying. She had to cry more. She had to cry. Charlie was gone. She had to cry. The tears and the screams and the pain had to persist.

Ilsa was suffering. An endless loop of painful memories and life lessons. Ilsa was suffering.

The screams of the Princess was heard by the heavens. Her parents had been alarmed. Their daughter was in pain. Her pain and anguish was felt by all the supernatural creatures around. Mother Nature join Ilsa in lamenting over Charlie's death. She cried with Ilsa as the winds howled at the tragedy that had befall the Swan family.

The water had an unforgiving tone as the waves crashed over the rocks and the wildlife. The coldness in the air was getting darker and heavier. Ilsa's parents couldn't be there physically but they made their presence known. They were with their daughter in any shape and form they could have been.

The pack arrived at Emily's quarters. All they could see was a white haired Ilsa, on her knees, sobbing, screaming, wailing. They saw the ice that protruded from ground to protect their creator. They saw Nature wailing with Ilsa. Consoling her. Honouring Charlie. They saw it all.

The pack shifted into their wolf forms and howled alongside Noelle. The Princess was in despair. She was in mourning and so were the rest of her supernatural companions in support of her grief.

For it was truly the end of an era, Charlie Swan was dead.

A friend, a companion, a her father and a ray of sunshine. The likes of which would never been seen again.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Love you all.

I am so sorry y'all! My inbox is open if y'all want to talk about our devastating loss!

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