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The date with Marcus had gone splendidly well. A little passionately that wooed her off her feet. Ilsa was wondering what the others had planned, but she was excited nonetheless. Today, it was Caius' turn. He has requested her presence in his studio. Caius had advised her not to wear clothing she would terribly miss; he would have preferred she wore no clothing at all, but he left the decision to his darling mate. Cheeky.

Ilsa browsed through her gigantic wardrobe for something she wouldn't mind getting ruined but she couldn't. Everything was designer and cost more than her house. She couldn't ruin anything in there. She was losing her mind over this stupid clothing debacle when a knock gave her sudden fright.

"My queen?"

"Oh, Jesus!"

"It is just me, Jane."

Ilsa looked at the prim and proper Jane, who was here to escort her to Caius' studio. She had finally gotten a hold of her. Ilsa had been planning to talk to Jane about what she had learnt regarding their bond, but somehow, Jane had always found a way to skirt her off. Today, Jane had no option but to face her.

"Should we head on to Master Caius' studio?"

Marcus also told Ilsa a very interesting and well-kept secret about the twins. Given their young age and the traumatic experience of their change, the twins had latched on to the Kings. Even as surprising that the kings had done so as well.

The twins have a very strong parental bond with the Kings, but out of fear, they keep it hidden from prying eyes and minds. Most of the Volturi's trusted companions and members knew of the secret but never brought it up among mixed company.

"Jane, please. You do not have to keep up this farce with me."

"My queen, I do not know what you speak of." Jane was stubborn. Ilsa knew that pretty well. 

"Jane, will you please sit with me for a few minutes? I believe it is best we talk."

Ilsa gestured to the corner of her room that was furnished as a sitting area. Jane hesitantly proceeded, knowing full well that she was guilty of treason and disrespect if she rejected. Her punishment might not be severe, but it was best not to tempt the kings against their new-found mate.

"I accept." These were Ilsa's first words as the pair sat down opposite one another. She didn't want to spend an awkward minute. She was determined to get her point across and let the chips fall where they may.

"I beg your pardon?" Jane asked.

"I accept our bond." Ilsa clarified.

Jane's eyes dilated with the sudden news. She had no words.

"Let me explain...Marcus has thoroughly educated me on the nature of our bond..."

Ilsa lied.

Marcus had not thoroughly educated her on bonds in any way, sense of form. He had only explained what the nature of her bond with the twins could embody. But, one thing that Ilsa has learnt from Aro was the truth of the matter could be exaggerated within reason. This was reason enough.

"And while I still may need some help navigating our delicate situation...I want you to know, Jane, that I will always be here for you and Alec, as a protector and a mother."

Jane's eyes glimmered. If she could cry, she would. If Jane could leap out of her chair and envelope Ilsa in a hug and tell her all the ways the world wronged her, she would. But she couldn't. Jane was stuck in a catatonic state of confusion. She had all these words and responses she wanted to Ilsa, but unfortunately, she could not string them into a coherent sentence.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2023 ⏰

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