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Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock

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Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock.....

Noelle ran to the bathroom after her confrontation with the blond guy with golden eyes. She was confused by the entire interaction of it all. She didn't know what to think about any of it.

She locked herself in the cubicle and crashed to the floor. It all happened so fast; the storm, the weird tingling feeling and the eyes. Those eyes. She just couldn't get those eyes out of her mind.

The world of supernatural was something unknown to Noelle. She knew it existed. She knew that if someone of her skill could exist there had to be more. In the realm of possibility she had to consider everything was real; unicorns, leprechauns, werewolves and so on and so forth.

However, she knew that even if any supernatural existed she would be last person to know. Because, if she tried to hide everything 'abnormal' about herself then so did they. It's not like everyday that someone comes up to you and goes, 'hey there neighbour, don't mind my daughter's pink horse with a stick on its forehead'! 

It was just one those things that Noelle felt completely in peace about not knowing.

The only other person she suspected about the supernatural was Billy. Sitting on the bathroom floor Noelle thought about Billy and her suspicions about him. Elle always did suspect something about him but she never pushed it. She appreciated that he never pushed her and in-return she paid back the favour by minding her own business. Thinking about him, she got reminded that Billy was always a kind soul. Helping everyone in the community and the reservation but the one family he had pure hatred for was the Cullen.

Elle remembered the mysterious stranger. His blond eyes, his eerie behaviour and the entourage of blond eyes standing behind him, HE MUST BE A CULLEN.

Billy had once told her about the Cullen's and his history. Something about wolfs and 'Cold Ones'. It was all a story obviously but one thing Elle has learnt all these years is never say it don't exist.

Noelle couldn't stop thinking about the stranger however. The way the blond looked into her eyes it was as if he knew the internal struggle going on insider her. It was as if he was fighting the struggle too and trying to help her through it.

Then Elle thought back to the calming feeling that passed through her. It could be a coincidence but in the ever-wise words of Sherlock Holmes, the universe is ever-so lazy.

Could it be that another supernatural being lives right here in Forks with her? What are the Cullens rea- 

As if on cue, Elle started hearing the nails on the glass again. The noise was so loud she had to hold her ears in-reflux. But what surprised her was this the noise was not hurting her anymore. It was just that; noise. She couldn't understand why the screams were no longer causing her pain.

As she battled her thoughts, Noelle remained oblivious to the fact that every-time she thought about the Cullen's family, her mind starting painlessly screaming. As if they were blocking her thoughts.  They were shielding her from prying eyes and ears. Noelle's powers were slowly evolving, being sentient. They were protecting her, without her knowing sometimes.

Noelle rummaged through her bag and found her little drops of peace in a blue bottle. She took her pills to begin her day and washed them down with her water. After taking a few breathes, Noelle heard the bell ring.

First period has started.

Time was ticking away while Noelle festered away on the scruffy marble tiles of Forks High School.

She needs to get her act together. Crying on the bathroom floor of high school washroom was not her plan for a confidant first day. She left her little cubicle and made her way to the sink. Elle made sure no one was there in the bathroom again and the looked back to the mirror, while slowing removing her sunglasses.

Her pupils were still an unnatural colour. A shimmering white colour that complimented her true personality. Her iris had light hues of brown smeared across them. It was a good sign that her eyes were slowly regaining their original colour.

Noelle let a small smile run across her face. She put her eyeglass back on the bridge of her nose again and headed for the door.

It was all going to be fine Noelle thought to herself.

It was all going to be fine.

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