happy birthday to you

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we lose track of time have I told you lately?i'm grateful you're mine -Bruno Major

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we lose track of time
have I told you lately?
i'm grateful you're mine
-Bruno Major


Noelle exited through the big doors of Fork High and headed straight for the woods. As she walked past the parking lot she saw Bella taking pictures of her friends with her new camera. The camera that Renee bought her.

"Happy birthday kid". Charlie exclaimed.

"Thanks dad!"

Charlie and Noelle were in the kitchen when Bella made her presence.

"I don't like taking about my birthday." She quietly responded.

"Our birthday sister dearest." Noelle retorted with a cold tone.

"One day girls. I would like one day."

"Sorry Charlie." Noelle responded.

"Yeah sorry." Bella added.

"Anyways I have some presents."


"I thought I said no gifts!"

"How are you twins...anyways Bella these are from your mother and me."

Charlie handed Bella a camera and a photo album. He also handed her a very thoughtful, handwritten card by Renee.

"Noelle these are from me."

Nolle noticed how Charlie had compensated for Renee's favouritism and incomplete parenting.

"I got all the music bands you like. I'm sorry if anything is missing."

Charlie handed Noelle a record player and a basket full of records. Noelle loved music. She would sometime say that music was like chicken noodle soup for the soul. Whenever times got dark she would emerge herself into the music. She was touched that Charlie had remembered that little detail about her.

"You got 'em all dad. Thank you."

At this point she did not even care that Renee had alienated her. Her heart was warmed by her father.

"Did mom not send you a card?"

And of course her dim witted sister had to ruin the cherished moment that Noelle shared with her father.

"No, she did not Isabella."


"I don't know. I'll give you three guess though!"

"Noelle." Charlie tried to interject.

"Why could Renee possible alienate me? I wonder if it's you or the fact that it's you or maybe that it has always been you!"

"Don't blame your attitude on me!" Bella acknowledged.

And that wrapped up the morning at the Swan residence. Bickering and birthday candles were the perfect summary.

Noelle quickened her pace and headed straight to the woods. She did not want to recap her entire morning and nor did she want to wallow in her self-pity. The Major was waiting for her and while she was the last person he would ever get mad at she wanted to respect his wishes.

As she trodded in through the woods she came to the clearing where she and the Major met last time. He was waiting for her.


"Hello Major."

She approached him slowly. She stood before him. Although she wanted to hug him she needed him to consent first. Sometimes the Major was not in the headspace for contact and other times he was. You just needed to politely ask him and he would tell you.

The Major pointed to Noelle's necklace.

"You like it?"

"I do. It is exquisite."

The Major smiled. And in one quick movement he placed his arms around Noelle's waist. He engulfed her into his embrace.

Jasper spent a fair amount of time with Noelle, the Major did not have the same courtesy. Whatever time he was allotted he wanted to make the most of it.

"I am happy Noelle." He whispered.

Slowly the Major allowed Noelle to exit his embrace. His onyx eyes locked into hers.

"There is something I have...have for you." The Major shakily said while pulling out a paper wrapped thing from behind him.

The Major was struggling. He was at a loss for words. He could not properly articulate what he needed to say. But he was trying. Trying his hardest.

"I thought it was best you know...know more about me...me and Jasper."

He did not meet Noelle's eyes as he handed her the gift.

Noelle unwrapped the paper wrapping to reveal a bound-leather journal with the words, Major Jasper Whitlock, inscribed with gold letting on the bottom.

She flipped through the pages of the journal. There are pages of handwritten notes in cursive writing. They were dated and signed. Noelle soon realized that this was their diary. This was the diary of Jasper and the Major.

"Oh my god." She exclaimed when she realized the magnitude of her birthday gift.

"I...I hope you do not think less of us. Of Jasper. When you read it." The Major replied. He had a sad look on his face.

Even though he wanted to tell Noelle everything he could not bring himself to formulate the words. So he gave her the truth the only way he could. By the words they had through and written in dark ink on a paper

"I will never. Hey...look at me Major. You saved him. He saved you. I will never think or feel any less about both of you."

There was a moment of silence between the two supernatural entities. The silence allowed the sound of the nearby creak to flow into the conversing. The chirp of the birds accompanying it as well.

"We love you Noelle." The Major finally broke the silence.

"I love you too."

Love was such a fickle thing between Noelle and the Major. It was something neither would have ever thought to experience in such a form. It was a form of comfort and safety they found within each other. They accepted each other with all the dark past they carried and promised to help each to help through it.

Love had grown between Noelle and the Major.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Love you all.

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