histories of histories

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He closed the locker quickly so no one would see the damage

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He closed the locker quickly so no one would see the damage. For some reason, he felt ashamed. Robert Cormier

The first bell rang.

Bella headed to her first period class.

Her vampire boyfriend followed suite.

The Cullen siblings poured into their classes holding their non-existent breath to stop them from slaughtering the population.

Every other human, Tyler, Angela, Jessica, Mike, Angela, living in the unknown went to their home room classes.

But Noelle Swan who unwillingly left her new place of comfort did not have a boyfriend to follow her into classes. Nor did she live in denial about the unknown and unlike the Cullen she did not have to hold her breath but her negative thoughts and emotions.

As Elle sauntered out of the bathroom, she went straight for the guidance office. She was eternally grateful that she was late to pick up her schedule since everyone had scurried off to their classes and the hallways were empty.

She did not have to worry about accidentally bumping into someone or "socializing". Noelle walked through the gloomy and lifeless hallway with lockers that held more secrets than books.

Beyond the double glass doors with golden stickers imprinted on them stood the guidance office in all its glory.


"Swan. Noelle Swan."

"Oh, you must Charlie's other daughter."

Well I am certainly not a swan so yes I am his daughter. Noelle smirked to herself.

"Yes ma'am."

"Here you go honey. This is your schedule and your sign-in sheet. Makes sure your teachers sign it."

Noelle took the papers from the counsellors and looked them over. Her scheduled was not as horrible as she had anticipated. History, English a spare and P.E seemed like a good way to start her new, fresh start at Fork.

She knew she was good at the histories. Ever since her accident Noelle found knowing about things that have already happened much more soothing that worrying about things that have yet to occur. That is why she enrolled herself into A.P history. She was studying with the big leagues now. English was not a class she hated with a passion. She would have liked it more if the school board decided to venture out and choose books by authors who weren't white with a swinging dick. Not that the works of Shakespeare and other classical literary authors should be completely disregarded but given the current climate of the turning tide it would not hurt to throw in authors from all walks of life. But alas it is what it is.

In the afternoon of her day Elle had a spare, which is her unwinding time. She knew that after a whole morning of classes she would need some more time to gather her thoughts and herself safely. She did have to pull the "mentally-unstable" card with Charlie and the school, not that it was any of their business, for the spare but it was worth it in the end. Her last class was more of a "if you do not take this course you will most probably fail in getting a high school diploma" course. Elle was not particularly happy about having P.E but she was confident in her acting to skip it a couple of times.

"Everything alright honey?"

Realizing she spent too much time staring at a piece of paper with four blocks scheduled out for her Noelle looked at the counsellor with wide-eyes not that the counsellor could see through the polarized sunglasses.

"Yes. Thank you."

And with that Elle left the office and headed on through the maze of hallways to her AP history class.

As she walked and walked to reach her class Noelle passed through the science hall, which advertently meant walking past her twin's biology class. The moment Noelle passed by the class the screech returned.

Noelle was thankful for the screech only being noise and not pain. For the first time in all her years living with this condition. She knew it was protecting her from something or someone but little did she know it was the very wolf that her sister had invited to her bed.

Finally reaching her history class Noelle stood outside the door for a little bit. She didn't quite know what to do. She knew she had to turn the doorknob and enter the class but was she ready? Could she do this? Doubting herself and her control Noelle felt the sense of calm wash over herself again.

No longer questioning she knew who stood behind those doors. It was him. Her golden-haired Cullen saviour. She wasn't as scared anymore in entering her class. He was going to be there for her. She trusted him. She trusted herself.

Placing her leather-gloves hand on the doorknob, slowly turning it and entering the class.


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