Just A Pair Of Shoes

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When we finally got to the mall, g grabbed my hand and took me to the closest store, which happened to be Dolce & Gabbana.
" Gerald.. This stores so expensive. Let's just go to like jcpenneys." I say pulling him to the door.
" no.. I want my girl to look sexy as fuck in London." Gerald says and I blush uncontrollably.
"Gerald.." I start
"No... Just lemme buy you stuff?" He says with a fake pout.
I just kinda stand there. Not knowing how to reply. If I say no, I'm afraid he will mad at me. But if I say yes, I will feel guilty for all the money he spent on me.
Before I can even answer G, he grabs my waist and pulls me back into the expensive shop.
We were greeted by a very beautiful lady. Probably around her late 30's.
We said our hello's and walked around the store. Gerald wants to go talk to a manager about some stuff so I decide to look around. There were shoes, and fragrances, and so many expensive things. I end up staring at these gold Dolce and Gabbana heels. They are so beautiful but way to expensive. Almost 5,000 dollars. I'm not making G spend that much on me.

I couldn't get over how he wants to buy me really expensive things. I mean like me and him have only really known each other for maybe three weeks but I can admit things are going pretty good. I mean I'm traveling to London with him. Staying with him every night. He makes me so happy. Like a piece of me wants to give him all my love and affection but the other half of me wants to keep it for myself. I know, I'm selfish..
" find anything you like?" Gerald says coming back to me.
"Nah not really." I say with a smile.
"Okay. On to the next store." G says and smiled back at me.
We looked around and I went to a couple more stores and got a lot of cute clothes. I went and got a couple of dresses and skirts. About 15 different shirts and some shorts and sandals.
"Hey can we go into forever 21 real quick?" I ask him while passing the two story store.
"Yeah. But I gotta.. Uhhh.. Use the bathroom real quick. I'll meet you at the car." He says really fast.
"Uhmm.. Okay weirdo." I laugh and give him a kiss before he leaves.
I shop around for about twenty more minutes before I find some black boots, more shirts, and a cute floral kimono. I decide to check out so I can go and meet Gerald. I pay for my stuff and walk out of the mall to the car.
"Fuck.. Where did he park.." I ask myself under my breath.
I finally see the car in the distance and walk over to it but when I get there, there is no Gerald to be seen anywhere. After a couple of minutes of waiting I decide to text Crystal and Mia since I haven't talk to them in like two days.
About 10 minutes later I get an uncomfortable feeling. Right as I was gonna look back, I feel someone cover my eyes and push me back to them. My first instinct is too kick them in the dick so that's exactly what I do. But as soon as they loose contact with me, I look back and find a hurting Gerald with a large bag on the floor.
" fucking shit G, you scared the shit out of me." I say as I help him get up.
"I just wanted to fucking surprise you." He says grabbing his dick.
"With what?" I ask while looking down at the dolce and Gabbana bag on the floor.
" you did not.." I gasp while G picks up the bag and grabbing the box out of it.
"But yet I did." He smirks
G opens it and low and behold there is the gold shoes I was looking at.
"Gerald.. These shoes were like 5,000 dollars. I really can't take them G"
" I don't care, they are for my girl. Please take them." G basically whispers.
" God, your so fucking perfect. " I tell him
I get on my tippy toes to give him a kiss. He then goes to open my door. We soon start to drive. I just stare at him. Amazed on how God blessed me with such an amazing man in my life.
"Ya know, I probably have a bruise on my dick now because of you." He laughs and looks over at me.
"Sorry.." I laugh while looking gout the window at the beautiful sunset
"But you're gonna have to fix it later when we get back to my place." G smirks and winks at me.
"I guess I might just have too...." I giggle while bitting my lip.

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