Chapter 14: Misunderstanding

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"So, why did you guys wanna come to the mall today?"

Y/n sipped her drink as she walked along the crowded pavement with Jean and Connie, both boys currently scarfing down their soft pretzels as they wandered around Paradis' open air mall.

The girl snickered at the two.

"Damn, y'all are monching."

"We're here to help Johnny-boy find Mikasa a V-Day gift," Connie said with a mouthful of pretzel, his words coming out muddled and almost indecipherable.

Y/n perked up at that, beaming at Jean.

"Aww, how cute," she cooed and Jean glared at her.

"Shuddup," the boy blushed. "Let's go check over here for some stuff," he said as he led them towards the lingerie shop.


Y/n did a double take, going completely red as the two boys in front of her walked into the place without any hesitation, as if they were regulars.

"J-Jean, what the hell are you gonna get Mikasa here?!" the girl asked incredulously.

With a deep groan, Jean turned around and frowned over at Y/n.

"Look, I just wanna get her some nice perfumes or shirts, don't freak out. I swear it's not some degenerate type of shit, so get your ass in here. We need you."

Y/n stammered profusely in protest as the two boys looped their arms around her own, practically dragging the girl into the store.

"Don't make this so hard, Y/n."

Both Jean and Connie were glowing. They wanted to do this even less than Y/n did, but they had a plan that they had to stick to.

"O-Ok, let's just go straight to the perfume section and then dip," Y/n said as she tried to avoid making eye contact with any of the sales people. She felt that she would probably melt into a puddle of embarrassment if she did happen to glance at any of the store's employees.

"Nah, let's take a look around. There's some cool stuff here," Connie said casually as he let go of Y/n's arm. He stiffly walked up to a rack of frilly bras and took one off, holding it out for his friends to see. "This one's cute, I guess." He turned to Jean. "What color does Mikasa like?"

"Oh my God, Connie."

Y/n closed her eyes and brought a hand up to cover her face and Jean's eye twitched.

"It's black," Jean replied flatly, throwing Connie a look. "But I'm not getting her that, she'd kill me. Let's go look at something else."

As soon as Y/n turned around and shuffled her way over to the shirts and sweaters, Jean smacked the back of Connie's head and the two argued through aggressive whispers.

"The fuck are you doing?" He scowled at Connie.

"I'm trying to keep her here long enough to run into Porco!" Connie fired back a glare.

"Well, don't suggest I buy my girlfriend lingerie! It's fuckin' embarrassing!"

"Dammit, Bojack, just shut the hell up and help me find this guy so we can all get out of here!"

"Hey, you guys good?"

The two boys quickly composed themselves, clearing their throats and crossing their arms once Y/n approached them.

"Yeah, don't worry, Y/n," Connie coughed out and Jean raised a brow at him. "Jean's just mad 'cause I said that he could totally rock that red thong that's on display over there."

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