Chapter Two

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Rising with the sun had become a tradition for Anakin Skywalker since he'd come to the Jedi Temple as a nine-year-old child. In recent months it had been an escape for him, had taken him away from his nightmares. But today, for the first time in what seemed like forever to the young man, he greeted the morning completely at peace.

He stepped slowly out onto the balcony that was situated off of the quarters he shared with Obi-Wan. The sun was just beginning to peek through the buildings that stood tall and proud across the entire planet. Off in the distance he could see the Senate building. The space lanes were filling fast with speeders, air taxis and other transports. Soon, the city-planet would be once again in the middle of another busy day.

"Looking at anything interesting?" came Obi-Wan voice, startling Anakin out of his admirations of the world he'd come to call home.

He turned a bit and looked at his mentor. Obi-Wan was still clad only in his sleep pants. His shoulder-length hair was a mess. But he looked as peaceful as Anakin himself felt. "Actually, I was just admiring the sunrise. But I find that my eyes are being drawn towards the Senate building."

Obi-Wan moved out onto the balcony to stand next to his apprentice. The air was chilly, but not unpleasant. He took a deep breath and cast his own gaze at the building that was the center of the Republic government. "What is it you find so interesting about that place?"

Anakin shrugged. "I don't know, Master. Ever since our talk yesterday, I've sensed something...wrong, uneasy and out of place. I can't explain it."

"Wrong in general or with the Senate in particular?" Obi-Wan asked, his demeanor and voice suddenly becoming very serious.

"Both, Master," Anakin said. "Things seem...amiss in the Senate and nothing about this war feels right to me. It all just feels rushed."

Obi-Wan reached up to stroke his beard. "Just after I was captured on Geonosis, Count Dooku told me that a Sith Lord was in control of the Senate. I didn't believe him, of course. But, perhaps he was right; perhaps somehow a Sith Lord has managed to get control of Chancellor Palpatine."

Anakin shook his head immediately as he started to pace the balcony. "No, that's not it, Master. Again, since yesterday, it's like my vision has...cleared somehow, as if I'd been looking at the galaxy through thick fog. I think it's worse than a Sith having control of the Chancellor."

Obi-Wan closed his eyes and reached out with his senses, with his feelings. It didn't take him long to realize that Anakin was right. The Force seemed brighter, easier to access than it had just a day ago. He too could now feel the unease Anakin was sensing.

"What do you think it is, Padawan?" he asked Anakin, his warm voice betraying his utter confidence in Anakin's senses.

Anakin turned his eyes onto his Master. Their blue eyes met and Anakin finally gave voice to his mounting fear. "I don't think a Sith Lord has control of Palpatine, Master, I think Palpatine may be a Sith Lord."


An intense wave of shock felt through the Force awakened Siri Tachi from a deep sleep. She sat up in bed gasping for air. It took her only moments to discover the source of the feeling. Obi-Wan. It had come from her husband. He'd returned to the Temple eight days ago with Anakin so both could recover from the injuries they'd sustained in their fight with Count Dooku. Then he'd awaited the return of his apprentice from his mission to escort Senator Amidala home to Naboo.

Siri jumped from her bed and began dressing quickly. She threw on her leggings, boots and tunics and quickly grabbed her cloak, not even realizing that she'd reverted back to traditional Jedi clothing for the first time since returning from her undercover mission as a slaver so many years ago. Grabbing her lightsaber from the desk in her room, she clipped it to her belt and moved into the common room.

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