Chapter Thirty-One

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One Week Later

500 Republica


Padme had been released from the Jedi Temple after the healers there had pronounced her in perfect health.

"Are you alright?" Anakin asked from behind her, having also been released earlier in the week.

She turned and smiled at him. "I'm fine, Ani, except for one thing."

"What thing?" he asked with a concerned frown.

Padme, smile widening, reached out and placed Anakin's natural hand on her abdomen.

"We're going to have a baby," she whispered to him.

Anakin was dumbfounded. "How...I mean, I know how, but...when? How far along are you?"

Padme laughed beautifully at his reaction. "It happened the night before you and Reeft left, so...four months. I've been hiding it with different styles of clothing. I didn't want anyone to know before you did. I'm surprised you haven't sensed it."

Anakin sat down heavily on the bed. "I...I've been so preoccupied and then so relieved you were okay after everything with Palpatine that We're having a baby. I'm going to be a father!"

He suddenly stood and scooped his wife into his arms and twirled her around. Padme was as excited as Anakin. They had both spoken of having a family, but for it to be a reality was overwhelming and very welcomed.

When he finally set her down, Anakin pulled her onto the bed with him.

"So much is happening so fast," he began. "The Council has decided that my battle with Palpatine served as my Trial. I'm being knighted later this afternoon."

"Oh, Ani, I'm so happy for you," Padme gushed as she hugged her husband.

"Yeah, I'm...I'm happy too," he said after a few moments. "I just...Master Reeft will be there, but..."

"But you wish Obi-Wan would be there," she finished.

Anakin nodded. "I was his apprentice for over a decade. He risked...everything for me at one time or another. He deserves to be there. I'm only the man I am, the Jedi I am because of him."

"The Council won't let him be there, because he's not a member of the Order any longer?" she questioned.

"He's already gone," Anakin said sadly. "He and Siri left with Zakk last night. He and I spoke, briefly. Zakk didn't suffer any lasting damage while he was with Palpatine and Obi-Wan will be okay, too. He has a brand new mechanical left hand. I think he just...wants to be with his family now, and leave the Jedi behind. I think it's what he's really wanted for a long time, but..."

"But he stayed for you," she finished. "You meant, mean, as much to him as his own family, Anakin. You are part of his family."

Anakin nodded. "I know, and I understand why he left. I don't begrudge him any of it."

Padme squeezed his hand before speaking again.

"You know, with Palpatine dead, Bail Organa is the front-runner to be elected the new Chancellor," she told him. "I'm not sure he'll do it, though. He and his wife are about to have their first child, a boy."

"He'd be a good choice," Anakin thought out loud. "So would Mon Mothma or Garm Bel Iblis."

"You think so?"

"Sure," he answered. "They're all trustworthy and they have the respect of the rest of the Senate and the general populace. I think the Jedi would prefer Senator Organa, though."

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