Chapter Nineteen

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Anakin shivered and wrapped his cloak tighter around his body as he stared out into space. He'd never gotten used to how cold space could be, and now the coming confrontation with Count Dooku was making it worse. Now, he was chilled from the inside, and no amount of warmth would hold it at bay.

"Anakin," Obi-Wan said softly as he walked into the cargo hold area where the younger man was standing.

"Yes, Master?"

Obi-Wan could hear the seriousness in Anakin's voice. "We've arrived at Bakura."

Anakin remained quiet for several moments. Obi-Wan had already turned to leave when his apprentice finally spoke.

"I wrote Padme a letter," he said quietly. "In case case something happens. I wanted her to know..."

Obi-Wan moved back towards Anakin and rested a hand on his shoulder. "I know, Anakin. But we're going to be fine. This fight is going to be different. We're going to work together, and we're going to defeat Dooku together. Padme will never have to read that letter."

Anakin smiled slightly, tucking the letter back into his robe. "I understand, Master. I won't rush into a fight on my own this time."

Obi-Wan smiled back. "Good. Come on, we have a Count to hunt."

Anakin followed him out of the hold to the main cabin where they strapped in for the descent.



HoloNet News Agency

"Good morning, I'm Jerec Yorvit, coming to you from the Coruscant HoloNet News Agency newsroom," began the reporter. "In just a few moments, we'll be cutting away from the studio to the Jedi Temple where we've been told Chancellor Palpatine is about to make a speech. We go there now."


The Jedi Temple

Palpatine's face immediately popped up on viewscreens, a wide yet wary smile on his aging face.

"Greetings," he began solemnly. "Beginning just over one week ago, hundreds of Republic battleships began taking off from Galactic City Spaceport bound for many regions around the Republic. On those ships are tens of thousands of Republic troopers as well as the newest members of the Republic Army and Navy, the Jedi."

Jedi all throughout the Temple, those remaining, were watching the broadcast. Those who didn't know where the majority of their brethren had gone now knew. Gasps of shock and looks of disbelief permeated the gatherings.

"The Jedi Order has taken a stand in what is fast becoming an all-out war between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, known generally as the Separatists; they have chosen to stand with the Republic. All Jedi Masters have been commissioned into the military, carrying the rank of General. All Jedi Knights have been given the rank of Colonel and most senior level Jedi Padawan Learners are now officially Republic Commanders. They carry these ranks due to their levels of training in both diplomacy and combat. I have every confidence in the Jedi Order to be effective and fair leaders with our military system. All Republic battleships, frigates and cruisers will have Jedi on board. The largest battleships are being commanded by Jedi Generals. Both ground forces and space forces will be led by members of the Jedi Order. Engagements are certain to take place on numerous planets. The Separatists cannot and will not be allowed to destroy the Republic. I have committed all of the Republic's military forces to this fight. We must win. We will win."

Palpatine's face vanished from the viewer and the newscast went on to other events taking place in the Republic.

Jedi began to disperse once the broadcast was over, each and every one of them weighing the Chancellor's words.

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