Chapter Twenty-One-Part Two

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Anakin bounded up the massive set of steps of the Jedi Temple on a mission to find Obi-Wan. He ran full tilt through the massive doors without as much as a glance at the knights guarding the entrance.

"Slow down, Padawan Skywalker!" one of them called, but Anakin was already well out of hearing range; not that he would have stopped anyway. He had to get to Obi-Wan as fast as he could.

He dodged a few other Jedi before diving into the lift and hitting the button that would take him to his and Obi-Wan's quarters. During the long ride Anakin kept staring at the holopics of Chancellor Palpatine with Dooku. His suspicions of Palpatine not being who he seemed to be came back full force. Something was wrong; very wrong.

Anakin sprang from the lift when the doors slid open and ran full speed down the corridor. He used the Force to open the door and skidded to a halt just inches from his mentor.

Obi-Wan spun around. "Anakin...what?"

The younger man took a deep breath and handed the datapad to Obi-Wan. "I think you should see this, Master. Padme just gave it to me."

Obi-Wan pressed several buttons and when the holopics of Palpatine and Dooku appeared, his face paled. His eyes lifted to meet Anakin's.

"Are these real?" he questioned. "Where did she get them?"

Anakin removed his cloak and sat down. "From Senator Organa. I didn't ask where he received them from, but he brought them to her and said they'd been taken recently."

Obi-Wan practically fell into the chair he was standing near. "What could they possibly have been doing together?"

Anakin shrugged. "I don't know, Master. Unless he has a very good reason for meeting with the leader of the opposition, then it appears that Chancellor Palpatine is guilty of..."

"...treason," Obi-Wan finished. "We have to take this to the Council."

Anakin stood, ready to head to the Council chambers when he noticed the weariness in Obi-Wan's eyes and the tiredness in his body.

"Are you alright, Master?" he asked softly.

Obi-Wan nodded; running hand over his face. "I will be. Come on, let's go."

The two left their quarters and headed immediately to the Council chambers.


Obi-Wan and Anakin were admitted to the Council chamber immediately. Uncharacteristically Obi-Wan did not bow before them, surprising Anakin, whose shock was palpable through the Force.

"Masters, Anakin and I have some information concerning Chancellor Palpatine and Count Dooku," Obi-Wan announced.

"What information?" Mace questioned.

Obi-Wan stepped forward and handed the datapad to Mace Windu. "You might find these holopics interesting, Master."

As Yoda, Windu and several of the other masters looked through the holopics, Obi-Wan and Anakin stood still, patiently waiting for the Council members to say something.

Within moments Yoda had pressed a button on his chair.

"Padawan Leicht, to us bring Chancellor Palpatine," Yoda instructed the senior padawan on duty outside the chambers.

While the padawan did that, Windu turned his attention to the Jedi standing before him.

"Where did you get these holopics?" he asked.

Obi-Wan and Anakin shared a look; Obi-Wan silently telling his apprentice it was his turn to speak.

Anakin cleared his throat. "Senator Organa gave them to Senator Amidala and she passed them on to me."

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