Chapter Seventeen-Part Two

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"Married?" Garen asked, still shocked beyond belief.

Siri nodded. "We were married on Lygos III six years ago. The man that married us, Shiraka, was a holy man that ran a temple on the planet."

Garen began pacing, running his hands through his dark hair. "I can't...I just can't believe this."

Obi-Wan was about to say something when Zakk's crèche master suddenly appeared. "Excuse me, Master Kenobi, but it's time for the younglings' mid-morning meal."

Young Zakk quickly said goodbye to the adults and went along happily with Master Hyavor.

"Why didn't you ever tell me?" Garen demanded once the crèche master and Zakk were out of earshot.

Obi-Wan sighed. "This isn't something we go around shouting to the whole planet, Garen. There are reasons why we keep silent about this."

Siri reached out and took Garen's hand in her own, thankful beyond words that he didn't pull away. "We wanted to tell you, Garen. We've always wished we could tell you, Bant and Reeft. We don't keep it a secret because we like keeping secrets or because we we're trying to hurt you. Please believe that."

Garen sighed deeply as he took a seat on one of the stone benches. "Where does your...son fit into all this? Did you plan him or was he a...mistake?"

Obi-Wan felt Siri's emotions flare at the word mistake. "Never call my son a mistake, Garen, or you'll wish you'd never..."

"Whoa," Garen said, holding his hands up in surrender. "I'm sorry. I just...I'm trying to understand all of this."

Obi-Wan sat down next to his friend. "We weren't planning on having him, no, but he certainly wasn't a mistake. He's been wanted and loved from the moment we knew of his existence. Call accident. He's the happiest accident I've ever experienced."

Siri smiled. "Me, too. I don't know how to make you understand any of this, Garen. All I can say is that I love Obi-Wan. I've loved him since I was a child and even being a Jedi can't change that. I fell in love with him, married him, bore his son and nothing has ever made me happier. My life is more fulfilling than I ever imagined it could be, and it isn't because I'm a Jedi. It's because I'm his wife and Zakk's mother."

Garen looked at them both. He could see the love in their eyes when they looked at one another, and he could sense their feelings. But it hurt to not have been included.

He stood and took a deep breath. "Look, I want to understand, I really do. I'm just...I guess I'm a bit angry that neither of you trusted me enough to tell me the truth. I'll keep your secrets, though. I won't say anything."

"Garen, we never considered that you'd ever do otherwise," Siri told him.

He nodded and then walked away.

"That went well," Obi-Wan muttered sarcastically.

Siri pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Let's go to Orowood. I could use some time away from here just to be with you."

He smiled at her as they headed off together towards the Temple hanger and the landing platform where air taxis were cleared to land at the Temple.


Orowood, Coruscant

Orowood Tower

Kenobi Apartment

The Orowood section of Coruscant was a fairly affluent area. It had a wonderful view of the Manarai Mountains and was well guarded; giving the residents of the area certain privacy that could not be enjoyed anywhere else.

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