Chapter Five

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Ten years among the Jedi and countless appearances before the Council hadn't diminished Anakin's nervousness each time he entered the Council chambers. He struggled not to fidget. He felt like they were looking right through him and into his heart. He was afraid what they found there would get him expelled.

"Anakin, relax," Obi-Wan commanded quietly as they approached the large double doors that led into the Council chambers.

"I can't, Master," he whispered back. "What if they know?"

Obi-Wan chuckled. "You have to focus on the moment, Padawan. They won't know unless you give them clues."

Anakin nodded and tried to calm himself. He took deep breaths to slow his out-of-control heartbeat. He tried to focus his mind on their meeting with the Council, and not on his wife. It was certainly easier said than done, but he figured that if Obi-Wan could do it, so could he.

They stepped up in front of the large doors and the Padawan on duty smiled at them. "Master Yoda said for the two of you to go right in, Master Kenobi."

Obi-Wan and Anakin smiled at the girl. "Thank you, Padawan Vex."

The doors parted and they walked inside, Obi-Wan leading and Anakin a step behind him and to the right. They reached the center of the room and both executed a respectful bow. It was then they noticed that only Masters Yoda and Mace Windu occupied the room.

"We trust the both of you are feeling better after your unfortunate encounter with Count Dooku," Master Windu began the conversation.

"We are, Master," Obi-Wan responded.

"Know why we called you here, do you?" Yoda asked in his usual backwards syntax.

Obi-Wan and Anakin shared a quick look. "No Master," Obi-Wan replied.

Mace Windu stood and began pacing the room. "I assume you're both aware of the death threats that have been aimed at Chancellor Palpatine."

"We've heard...rumors to that effect," Obi-Wan revealed.

Windu turned to face the two Jedi. "It has become much more than a few rumors of supposed death threats. Last evening the office of Chancellor Palpatine was broken into and vandalized."

"Was the Chancellor injured, Master Windu?" Anakin quickly asked.

The Council had grown used to Anakin speaking during their sessions with the young Padawan and his mentor. While it wasn't customary for the student to speak during mission briefings, they'd learned long ago that Anakin was an exception. Obi-Wan never seemed to mind, so they deferred to his judgment.

"No, Chancellor Palpatine was not in his office at the time of the attack," Windu explained. "However, the Chancellor contacted the Council this morning and made a request. While he has confidence in his own guards, he would like to have official Jedi protection."

Obi-Wan and Anakin shared a look of concern. Clearly, both men were remembering their conversation on the balcony. Yet neither brought it up with the Council.

"Are we to assume since we were called here that it is the two of us Chancellor Palpatine requested as his Jedi protection?" Obi-Wan inquired.

"Requested you, he did," Yoda answered. "Trusts the both of you, Chancellor Palpatine does. To meet with you, he wants."

"What exactly is the Chancellor expecting of us, Master?" Obi-Wan suddenly wanted to know. He was aware of the fact that Palpatine trusted them and even confided in them at times.

"You'll be accompanying him to all of his meetings, on all on and off-planet business as well as performing security sweeps and the like," Master Windu informed them.

"What about those behind the death threats and the break-in?" Anakin spoke up again. "Are we to discover their identity?"

"Yes. Part of you mandate is to lead an investigation into these threats and the break-in," Mace told them. "A team of Coruscant Security Officers will be assisting you in your investigation as well as in protecting the Chancellor. He expects you to be in his office in two hours."

Obi-Wan and Anakin executed identical bows and quickly turned on their heels and exited the Council chambers.


Ferus Olin was hurrying back towards his quarters after a short sparring match with his Master when he turned a blind corner and smacked directly into Anakin and Obi-Wan.

"Forgive me, Master Kenobi, Padawan Skywalker," Ferus immediately said in his deep, lilting tone. "I wasn't paying attention."

Obi-Wan gave an easy smile to his wife's student. He liked Ferus very much. "It's quite alright, Padawan Olin. You look a bit...haggard."

Despite himself, Ferus smiled. "I've just been sparring with Master Tachi. We're preparing for the lightsaber tournament next week."

Anakin's own face broke into a grin at the mention of the tournament. Some of his fondest memories of his time at the Jedi Temple included the building of his first lightsaber and wielding it in the tournament.

"Working on a strategy to beat Master Obi-Wan and me?" he teased lightly, hoping Ferus would play along.

Ferus was a bit startled by Anakin's teasing. They weren't friends; barely acquaintances. But over the last few months they had begun working on understanding one another, for Obi-Wan and Siri's sakes. Their two teachers were close friends and both young men knew it pained them for their apprentices to be at odds all of the time.

"No need for a strategy Skywalker," Ferus quipped. "All we need is our skill."

Obi-Wan laughed slightly. "Tell Siri that while her efforts will most likely take her to the final match, they won't bring her victory. I intend to win the Knights bracket...again."

Anakin smiled at Obi-Wan's declaration. "Of course you will, Master."

Ferus smiled as well, the bowed. "Excuse me, but I must return to my quarters and wash up. I have a test to prepare for."

Obi-Wan nodded, giving silent permission to the younger man to leave. Ferus himself tentatively reached out a hand to Anakin and managed to be only mildly shocked when Anakin gripped it in a firm handshake.

"Good luck in the tournament," Anakin said.

"You too, Anakin."

Obi-Wan's voice broke through once Ferus was out of earshot. "What was that about?" he wondered.

"Before Geonosis, before...everything, Ferus and I decided that we needed to grow up and..." Anakin began,"...learn to be adults. We're trying. It isn't easy, and I can still sense a little fear of me in him and I'm certain he can still sense a bit of resentment towards him in me. But we're trying."

Walking once again, the conversation continued. "Why?" came Obi-Wan's simple inquiry.

Anakin shrugged. "Ever since I was ten years old and first met Master Tachi, I've known how close the two of you are. She's you best friend and you're hers. I can see how the animosity between Ferus and me has worn on the two of you over the years. So, we decided that we should at least make an effort to get to know each other and try to find some common ground between us."

"That's very mature of you, Padawan," Obi-Wan told him.

"I am trying, Master."


"The Jedi are on their way, Your Excellency," a young senatorial aide informed Chancellor Palpatine.

Chancellor Palpatine, looking regal in his robes, gave a dismissive wave. "Yes, yes, I've already been informed. Escort them to me when they arrive."

The young man nodded once and quickly left the room, completely missing the look of triumph that crossed Palpatine's face as he sat down behind his desk and closed his sinister yellowish eyes. He reached deeply into the Force, searching for the core of his own existence within the mystical energy field. Once he found it, he cloaked his Force signature, hiding the darkness inside.

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