Chapter Sixteen-Part Three

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"Remember, stay calm, focus on the Force, not your opponent," Obi-Wan was instructing as he and Anakin headed for the arena the next morning.

Anakin nodded. "Yes, Master."

Obi-Wan smiled. "Also, and this is very important; have fun."

Anakin laughed softly. "I promise, Master."

He patted the young man on the back and the two parted ways at the entrance, Obi-Wan heading for the stands while Anakin went in the direction of the changing rooms. When he entered, the first person he saw was Ferus Olin. Taking a deep breath and swallowing his pride, he approached the older padawan.

"Ferus, I just wanted to say good luck to you today, and may the Force be with you out there," Anakin said as he offered his hand.

Ferus took only a moment to grasp Anakin's hand. "You as well, Sky...Anakin. You as well."

Anakin nodded as he turned and headed to his own locker.


Obi-Wan had just taken his seat when Siri bounded up the steps and sat next to him. They shared a friendly smile and discreetly let their fingers tangle briefly.

"How is Anakin this morning?" Siri asked after a moment.

Obi-Wan shrugged. "He seems fine. He's anxious, excited, and confident. Ferus?"

"The same," she answered just as the first match was announced.

"First up in our Padawan Lightsaber Dueling Tournament is Group A, our youngest competitors in the bracket," announced Knight Durmal. "The first two padawans on the floor are nine year-old..."


Siri and Obi-Wan focused only marginally on the younger students as they completed their rounds. The final match of Group A pitted a very talented ten year-old male padawan named Josef Goren against a nine year-old girl named Anya Verenna.

"She has exceptional form for one so young," Siri commented as they watched the young girl vault aver the head of her older opponent.

"She reminds me of you at that age," Obi-Wan decided after watching the girl for a few moments. "She's using only enough energy to keep him at bay, while he's working quite hard to simply keep up. That is the exact same strategy you used when we were thirteen."

Siri laughed. "Are you still upset that I beat you that year?"

"Not at all, considering it's the last time you ever beat me," he said. "I've gotten over it."

Suddenly the crowd cheered causing both Obi-Wan and Siri to jump in surprise. They both saw that Padawan Verenna had scored the kill point, winning the trophy in her bracket.


One by one the groups of younger students took to the floor. The majority of the matches were over quickly, with one competitor clearly more skilled than the other. Before they knew it the tournament, which had begun at 0600, was now to the showcase event, the Senior Padawan bracket.

Knight Durmal came to center-arena and spoke. "First, a hearty congratulation to all of our competitors in groups A through D. Remarkable showing, all of you."

The Jedi cheered as one before Durmal raised his hand for silence.

"Now, the event you've all been waiting for, the Senior Padawan bracket."

Again, cheers could be heard from one end of the large arena to the other, including loud whoops and hollers from Obi-Wan and Siri.

"In our first match, we have a previous three-time winner in the Padawan bracket," Durmal began. "The young man won Group B at age thirteen and Group D twice at ages sixteen and seventeen. In addition, he and his master are the five-time defending champions of the team-dueling tournament. So, I introduce to you Padawan Anakin Skywalker!"

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