Chapter Twenty-Five-Part One

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Senate Building

Chancellor Palpatine's Private Office


Anakin was sure that Obi-Wan would tell him that what he was about to do was the wrong thing, and Anakin himself would most likely agree. But he could see no other way. He knew that Obi-Wan and Siri were going to be expelled from the Jedi Order and he wanted to do what he could to help them. So, he was going to ask the Chancellor for his help, despite his lingering distrust of the man.

"You may enter now, Padawan Skywalker," the young aide told him.

Anakin cleared his throat and entered the room. Palpatine stood from his desk when he Anakin.

"Welcome, Anakin," the politician greeted Anakin with a smile.

Anakin inclined his head. "Chancellor, I hope you're well."

They exchanged pleasantries for several moments before Palpatine asked Anakin bluntly why he was there.

As Anakin took a seat, he again cleared his throat. He squashed down the feeling of betrayal that had crept up and spoke. "I'm here about Master Kenobi and Master Tachi."

"Are they in trouble?" he questioned, not letting his glee show.

Taking a deep breath, Anakin blurted it out. "Yes, they are. They're...they're married and the Council is going to expel them from the Order. They need your help, Sir."

Palpatine had to work very hard to disguise his shock. While he already knew that the two Jedi were married and that they had a child, he was stunned that Anakin would so quickly reveal it to him. What didn't shock him was the statement that the Council was going to expel them. That seemed par for the course for the Jedi Order and their strict adherence to their moral code.

"How can I help them, Anakin?" he asked.

"You're the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic," Anakin pointed out. "Maybe you'll have some influence with them. Maybe you can..."

"Anakin, my young friend, I do not have that type of power," Palpatine told him in no uncertain terms. "The Jedi Order is an entity unto themselves. You know this. They have their own rules and regulations. I'm afraid I would not be of any help to your friends."


Jedi Council Chamber

The moment had come. Obi-Wan and Siri had each received a summons from the Council. Now, they stood patiently outside the large double doors, awaiting a fate unknown.

"What about Zakk?" Siri asked suddenly, and softly.

"What do you mean?"

"If we're expelled today, do we take our son with us?" she questioned. "We have the right as his parents to remove him from the Order before he's chosen as a Padawan Learner."

Obi-Wan thoughts turned to his young son and of all the possibilities for his life.

There was of course Anakin's vision. If it came true, Zakk would be kidnapped from the Temple itself and would never be seen again.

Or, if they were expelled and walked away from Zakk, the boy would grow up like every other Jedi; he wouldn't know his parents. He would be chosen as a Padawan and be trained into a Jedi Knight. Someday he would take a student of his own and become a Jedi Master, all the while adhering to the Code his own parents so willingly broke.

If they invoked their right to remove him from the Jedi Order, he would grow up with them, with all the love that the Jedi Order would deny him.

"If we're expelled, we'll take Zakk with us," he finally replied.

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