Chapter Four

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Anakin crossed the threshold of the quarters he and Obi-Wan lived in just in time to see his mentor pulling on his boots.

"You're awfully late getting dressed, Master," Anakin commented lightly.

Obi-Wan looked up and he secured the last bootstrap. "Siri and I chatted for quite a while. She wasn't satisfied that I was okay until she'd checked me from head to toe."

Anakin laughed. At nine years old he'd met Obi-Wan's friends and he knew how protective they were of his Master, especially Master Tachi and Knight Bant Earin. Even Garen Muln was protective, but not to the degree of the two females.

"My condolences, Master," Anakin quipped teasingly. "I'm sure she poked and prodded as well as Healer Bant would have."

"Oh, she was much gentler than Bant would have been, Anakin," Obi-Wan teased back as he stood and grabbed his robe. "Did you enjoy your breakfast?"

Anakin moved into the kitchen and began preparing himself a cup of hot Alderaanian tea. "I did. The younglings were happy to see me."

"You're good with the younglings, Padawan," Obi-Wan complimented him. "Someday you'll be a wonderful Jedi Master."

Anakin shook his blonde head violently. "I don't think so, Master. I can't imagine putting up with a Padawan Learner in the same way you've put up with me for so long."

Obi-Wan gazed fondly at the nineteen year-old young man. "I used to think that, too. When I was your age, Qui-Gon and I were always being sent on one mission after another, much the same way you and I have been. Anyway, inevitably, I'd do or say something that would make him laugh and he'd threaten me with having to one day put up with a Padawan that was as much of a trial for me as I was for him."

"Then along came me," Anakin said, his voice low. "His prediction came true."

Obi-Wan stepped directly in front of Anakin and rested a hand on his shoulder. "Yes, it did. You've been every bit the trial that Qui-Gon predicted you would be. But Anakin, I wouldn't trade one moment of the last ten years."

A small smile lit the young man's face. "Not even the promise you made to him?" he asked carefully.

"No, not even that," he said immediately. "I'll admit that I was hurt when his last words were of you and not me. It took me a long time to come to terms with his reasoning. You were young, and you'd just been separated from your mother and...well, I finally came to understand that he never would have asked it of me if he hadn't been confident in my ability to train you as a Jedi. I suppose what I'm trying to say is that I don't regret making that promise because it gave me you, Anakin. You've come to mean as much to me as anyone in my life, Padawan."

Shocking Obi-Wan, and himself a bit, Anakin reached out and drew his mentor into a crushing hug. "Thank you, Master," he whispered to the older man.

Obi-Wan patted Anakin's back. The young man was still sometimes so much of a boy that it surprised him. He had a hard time, especially recently, thinking of his tall, powerfully built Padawan as a boy, but at moments like this, he was reminded of the child whose nightmares he'd soothed during those first lonely nights they'd spent together in the Temple.

They pulled back at the same time. Obi-Wan looked into Anakin's vivid blue eyes. "I received a summons from Master Windu right before you walked in. We're to appear before the Council in fifteen minutes."

"Do you have any idea what they want, Master?" Anakin questioned.

"I have an idea," Obi-Wan said cryptically. "We'd best not be late."

"Are you going to tell me?" Anakin asked as he followed his mentor out of their quarters.

Obi-Wan chuckled to himself as he and Anakin made their way to the lift that would take them to the Council chambers. "Anakin, Geonosis was just the beginning. The Republic is at war with the Separatists now. That means that we, the Jedi are at war with the Separatists as well."

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