Chapter 19- No More *Part 2

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A/n Thanks for all your support! I just wanna kiss you all right now...okay bit awks but oh wells.

You'll learn in this chapter why I titled them 'No More'


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<3 Peace out Bitchees!

Chapter 19 *Part 2

Entering our cinema screen, my head is still reeling from the unexpected kiss Logan bestowed upon me just a minute ago. Red drapes hang on the side of the navy blue walls, suspended next to the glowing lights that have been dimmed while the previews play on the massive screen on the front wall of the room.

Glowing spotlights lead a trail down the stairs for anyone in the dark, don't see why as the Werewolves don't need it and they run this city. Maybe they're actually thinking of the humans.

Surprisingly the screen isn't full, maybe about 10 people without including our group is in here. Max grabs hold of Roxy and leads her down to the middle row, her giggling in excitement about how 'good it is going to be'.

People turn their heads, about to glare at her loud interruption of the previews but then stop suddenly when their eyes land on Max's towering frame. They quickly turn their heads, so fast I think I hear a crick in their neck from all of them.

I snicker at this, oh jeehz that's pathetic for all of them being Werewolves. Wait...I then notice me and Roxy are the only females in here. What kind of film are we watching?

I start to trail after Roxy and her towering bodyguard when a big hand grabs the crease of my elbow, a familiar shock resounds over my arm. He pulls me back into his warm chest, "Come, let's sit at the back."

Logan breathes the words down my neck, all the little hairs there standing on end in attention to his close proximity. Jeehz, even the hairs on my neck are attracted to him.

He guides me to the back, about the second row from the very back and ten rows from Max and Roxy. Actually, no one is near us, I conclude with suspicion, my lips tightening at the realization we are completely isolated at the back. What is he up to I wonder.

He waits at the row entrance for me to go first, I shuffle sideways down the ailse. I go right down to the seat at the end, the one next to the wall, sitting down in the chair I relax into the cushioned fabric. 

Logan folds his big frame gracefully next to me, his right leg brushing my left. The soft fabric of his jeans brush against the sensitive skin of my leg, and my leg tingles like it knows beneath those jeans are his muscular legs, a chance of skin to skin contact. My core throbs of the belated anticipation...anticipation for what, I don't know.  

I stare at the screen as a place to look and to not stare at Logan as I know he is doing to me, I can feel his heated stare on the side of my face. The last preview ends then the screen goes blank for a couple of seconds then the title 'In The End' with the director's name shows on the screen. The name of the film doesn't ring a bell...

It's been thirty minutes into the film and so far about five of the ten people who stayed in this house in the woods has been killed in the most grotesque ways. I have jumped about fifteen times, paranormal films about ghosts and that really isn't my kind of film. Sure action, martial art, comedy, rom-com I can watch all of that but ghosts. 

The scenes just never seem to leave my mind. Roxy is mad that she wanted to watch this, no wonder there is no other females in here. Now, I believe strongly in women independence and that we can do as much or even better than men, but this film is really a no go area for any female personally.

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