Chapter 1-Introducing Me and Family (Edited)

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A/N- Thanks for reading the summary, now on with the story.

Chapter 1

Vanessa's Pov

Some say graduating high school is the day they remember crying the most, saddened that they would be separating from friends and leaving to go to college miles away from home. However, that isn't the case with me. Okay, yes I am sad right now sitting in my hideous purple graduation robe in my school gym.

I space out as our overly enthusiastic principal ranted on and on about all our hard work. Yeah right! You see, my case is different because I'm sad as I won't be able to leave this boring little town called Blueshine. I do have friends so I suppose I'll have entertainment and company, but I want out, I do love my family and friends don't get me wrong. I know I won't be able to leave though, no matter how much I dream of it.

The Monsters, as I like to call them, won't let the humans leave town alone. Apparently, we're not that reliable out of our territory on our own. I definitely don't fancy a shouting match with my Alpha, not that I would dare to not matter how much I want to. So I'm going to have to bare this for now until i devise the perfect plan of escape. Yep, that sounded about right. Suddenly, I felt someone shaking my shoulder so I looked towards the culprit. It was none other than my best friend, Amanda, who is very much human.

She has curly light blonde hair that reaches her dainty shoulders, warm chocolate brown eyes. Her face is a small round shape with a splatter of light freckles across her small button nose. Her skin's a light pale colour, never seeming to tan in the sun outside, adding to her angelic innocent look. Yet, that image all crumpled with the next words that came out of her mouth. "I don't know how you ever graduated, the only thing you can get an A in is spacing out Nessa", she said with a sly grin.

I rolled my blue eyes at her comment and let a small smile grace my full pink lips at her nickname for me. Her and the rest of my friends only called me that. Mum and Dad say that my name is beautiful so I shouldn't shorten it. Whatever that is supposed to mean. Sonny, my baby bro, calls me Ve-Ve. Gotta love the little twerp.

"Oi, space cadet it's finishing", whispered Mandy, her nickname used by everyone we know, lucky kid. I reluctantly turn my head to the stage at the front, settling my eyes on Principal Fisher. "So with sadness we say goodbye to our class of 2012, I hope you all the best with your future." Yep only the monsters, I thought bitterly. "Now with great pleasure I say you can all throw those caps of yours!" Next thing I knew hundreds of horrible purple caps were flying through the air and clapping and shouts of happiness were thundering the gym.

I felt my hair move with the gesture of my cap leaving my head, I looked up to see my 5"4 friend grinning down at me like the Cheshire cat. "You're meant to throw it dumb ass", Mandy exclaimed then stuck her tongue out at me. 

"Whatever short ass", I replied back then grinned as she huffed and crossed her robe covered arms. She might just be 2" smaller than me as I am 5"6 but watching her reactions always crack me up. "Yeah, well...uh suck on it giant" she said back triumphantly like it was the best comeback in the world. That, I did crack up laughing at.

"Oh, honey." I turnt around at the endearment to face my Mother rushing towards me with a sleeping Sonny in her arms and Dad trailing behind her apologising to anyone she barged past. "Hey Mum, oh come on there's no need to cry I'm not exactly going anywhere", I grumbled to her noticing the tears on her face.

Everyone says I look exactly like my Dad but with womanly features. Like him i have blue eyes and golden brown hair, mine was wavy and reaching my mid-back. We both have lightly tanned skin, which I am heavenly grateful for. I don't need to sit outside in the heat for hours getting horribly burnt for a tan.

I have a sweetheart shaped face with high cheekbones, I have a nose that I believe fits my face. My legs are toned and long, I have a generous chest area with a flat stomach and curves. Giving me the desired hourglass figure. I know I'm pretty but I don't go flaunting and bragging about it cause I definitely don't wanna seem like some desperate, attention seeking bitch. Mandy is very pretty but she still claims I am more beautiful than her which I don't believe a bit.

Anyway, my Dad is exactly 6 foot so I suppose you can say that I don't get my height from him. My mother is the complete opposite to my Dad with light blonde hair, green eyes and pale white skin. Sonny looks exactly like my Mum but the little man has a tan just like me. I turn around to my best friend giving her a hug goodbye and promising to see her at the party. Now, that's another a thing I'm sad about well more like pissed off about.

The Alpha is having a BBQ party in one of our many fields. The invite we got yesterday through the post said that we can dress casual but we have to be there. So, I don't have a choice like the other reluctant humans going to this Werewolf controlling party. I just hope I don't meet my mate even though I'm sure I've seen all the umated males in town. The fates better be with me tonight or I'm kicking their asses for definite.

A/N- i'm sorry it's not long but i'll hopefully have time to update tomorrow. Don't worry it's going to get a bit more exciting.

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