Chapter 27 - Going Through The Motions Part 1

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A/N-Hope you like this chapter. Your comments really encourage me to write which I am really thankful for. So...please, please vote, comment and follow! ;)

Sorry, it's not long or eventful, I just really wanted to post something for you guys.


Chapter 27

After dressing into a sea blue lacy nightgown that reaches the top of my knees I walk back into the bedroom, expecting the biggest verbal bashing of my life. However I'm greeted with the sight of an empty bedroom. I shrug, not really that bothered, and walk over to the bed. I go to turn down the covers but then realise how mundane, grown up...boring that seems to me, I am still 18. But the truth is I haven't been acting like that lately, surrounded by older people I have matured.

I am thankful that I'm not an immature, blubbering girl who wouldn't be able to handle with this type of change. Moving away from my hometown, friends and family to be holed up in an apartment within a strange new city with a controlling Werewolf. I know most girls back in Blueshine would've cracked by now. But I won't - I mean, I haven't and Logan isn't so bad.

Pacing back a few steps, I stop and bend my leg's. "1...2...3..." I count slowly to myself and then rock back on my heels and take a run and jump at the big king size bed. I twist my body as I fling myself onto the covers so I land on my back, engulfed in fluffy warm comforters. I laugh to myself as my still slightly damp hair fluffs in front of my face. I blow out a breath of air, making my hair fly off my face in a gentle ripple.

I hear a deep manly laugh reverberate from the door. I lean up on my elbows so the fluffy covers no longer cover me and tilt my head to the side with a mischievous grin spread wide on my face. I've never realised until now how his laugh sets off a feeling deep in my stomach and makes me want to join in too. I giggle at the look on his face as he stares at my bare legs.

Why not, I think. This could hold off his little bitchin' session about me breaking my 'promise'. I start to bite my bottom lip, sucking and drawing it into my mouth. I bend my right foot into a point and trail it up my left leg, causing my nightgown to ride even higher up my thighs. I look at him from under my lashes...gotcha! Logan's eyes start to smoulder and I can see his muscles tighten clearly as his tanned, big chest is bare.

As I trail my eyes over him I see he's in cut off sweatpants as he walks slowly - precisely like a predator - to the left side of me, I can clearly see his really cute ass in them. I snigger, nothing about Logan is really cute or small and cuddly. But I'm sure he wouldn't mind a cuddle from you, some part of me says. I bite my lip hard at that thought, wanting to shut it out but knowing that it's true makes me want to not shut it out at the same time.

"Ve," he whispers in a tight voice, I don't realise what he's going on about until he draws away his finger from my lip. My eyes following his movement in confusion until I see his finger. Blood. "Oh," I reach up and wipe away the blood, "I didn't realise I bit that hard on it. " I murmur to myself in thought.

He rolls his eyes at me and then picks me up so he can peel back the covers. I scream as he fireman carries me, I slap his bum, "Let me down you big Oaf!" I squeal as I move further down his back as he jostles me, so he now holds me by a hand on my upper thighs and my ass.

He gives my ass a squeeze and then lays me down on the bed and then brings the covers up to my stomach, "You going to tuck me in too?" I question him sarcastically with a pout and a fluttering of my eye lashes. He rolls his eyes at me...again!

Logan climbs over me, his body heat pressed against mine and then settles upon the covers. Then he leans on his elbow and looks down on me while brushing my hair behind my ear with his free arm. I smile at him sheepishly and try to move away but realise I can't.

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