Chapter 8-Dogs Bite

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Chapter 8

Moaning softly i moved my head against a soft fabric. Stretching my legs i could feel the same material, it was then i realised i was in a bed.Then i remembered the night's before events; being taken by Logan and then the horrific incident at the petrol station. Well, a bed must mean i'm safe and that Logan survived, right? Opening my eyes i sat up, then i looked around the room that was definetly not mine. It's about three times larger than mine with classy wooden flooring and royal blue walls. The colour of the drapes, that went over the window on the right side of the bed, matched the walls. It created a blue hue in the bedroom, letting me know that the sun is shining outside. A wooden nightstand matched the dresser that was postioned in fornt of the foot of the bed. I fingered the black and grey design of the king sized bed covers. There's three doors, all painted white, one of them across from me and two to my left. 

I'm guessing the two together are the walk-in closet and bathroom. Crawling out of the bed i stretched my back with arms above my head, with a satisfying click from my back i sighed. This was no doubt a male's room and i'm pretty sure i know who it belong's to. I looked down at myself as i felt unfamilar material float aorund the middle of my thighs. I had a black tee on that said 'Beer Pong King' with a crown at the bottom. I scoffed at the T-shirt, i alreday knew who's this was. A nice male colonge clung to it, i admit i had to stop myself from stuffing my nose in it. I also knew it was his as no Were mate would allow his mate to wear another males clothes due to their possessive personality. An annoying personality.    

Padding my feet i walked over to the door i assumed was the main one. I grabbed the metal handle and opened the door. The sight that greeted me was a narrow corridor decorated in the same wooden flooring and a beige wallpaper. No photos hanging on the walls. Hesitantly walking down the hallway towards the sound of some news channel i reached a wide doorway that had the door left open. Looking around i saw an open planned kitchen and living room. A round black rug rested under the black L-shaped sofa in the middle of the room. Finally something other than wooden flooring, i thought.

Sitting on top of a white coffee table in front of the comfortable looking sofa is a big flat screen T.V. that showed a pretty Werewolf lady in business attire that matched her boring business tone. I don't know the exact measurement of the telly but i'm pretty sure it's really expensive. A goosebumps raised on my arms as a cool breeze drifted into the room, walking past the sofa i reached balcony doors. I moved the white thin drape out of the way then stepped outside. I strolled across the small paved space to some black iron bars. The balcony's a decent size. "Wow", i breathed as i took in the view from this high up apartment. A orange haze settled over the waking city below. Looking down i wished i hadn't as the apartment seemed to be about on the 15th floor. Tearing my gaze away from the drop i settled in back on the city. God, i'm mated to a city Alpha. I really have the worst luck in the world.

The tall buildings took my breath away, i haven't ever seen a city before. Well, just in photo's. These fixtures of concrete seemed to reach the sky, the image of false freedom. Freedom. A word i loathe and desire, what's the point of it having a meaning if the meaning doesn't exist no more? The word just teasing me in my greater time of need. Something that i desire more than anything. I jumped when i felt warm muscular arms wrap around my small waist and a strong jaw resting on the top of my head. "Beautiful, isn't it?", i felt his words rumble right through him as his chest's pressed tightly to my back. I felt an itching all over my skin, kind of like pins and needles everywhere, i wanted him off of me. Now.

I took my hands off of the railing and clenched them around his hands to get him to let go of my waist. I suppose Logan has no idea of body language as he took my hands into his to rest them on my flat tummy. My strength nothing compared to his. His hands still engulfing mine he rubbed them on my stomach. "Just imagine, we could have a big house with a large backyard. Our pup's playing everywhere.", he mumbled in a wistful tone. Pup's? Oh no, this guy expects me to be a mating machine!? Hell no! "I'm not mating with you", i grumbled with a venmous tone. I heard him take a deep breath, my guess is he's trying to calm hisself down. "Of course we would get a pool but with safety guard for the little ones", he went on again about children. Now, i wouldn't mind a pool; just not with the additional things. No offence i would like some kids. But i've always envisioned human kids not little monsters. Also not kids at eighteen. This dudes going on like he wants 20 or something, i don't even want to have sex with him. A shudder runs through me at the thought. 

God, i just want him off of me. Telling him i hate him will just anger him and make him really crazy about how we're in love and all that shit. Think, think, think! What can make a Mate go away somewhere?

Ah! My wellbeing, that's it! Cue mental happy dance. "Logan, I'm hungry", i say in a mumble that sounds like a plea. "Oh okay Baby, what do you want?", he asks me WITHOUT letting me go. Damn it, this dude does not get the hint of let me go!  "Something warm," then i add while pulling his restraint on me apart and stepping away from him to look at him, "Actually i'll cook." Cooking is an excuse for him to stop touching me. He regards me with a happy expression, "You mean i've got a Mate that can cook?"

Moving back into the living room with him behind me i say dryly, "Well, i don't see any other Mate's that are offering to cook, do you?" "No Mate, 'cause you're my only. And what a lucky hand the fates have drawn me." Ignoring him i head across the room, sinking my feet in his rug briefly, to head towards the kitchen. Walking to the kitchen i'm delighted with the sight of the it. Red and white tiling with light wooden cabinets. A big fridge and freezer stands comfortably in the far right corner. A long counter on the back wall with all different apliances on the surface.

The right wall has a spacious sink with draws next to it with pans hanging suspended above it all on a metal hangy thing. Don't know the exact name. An expensive looking cooker next to the sink. And on the wall next to me is a breakfast bar counter with three high stools. With a hole in the wall so you can see into the living room. The tiny bit of wall at the floor of the bar being the only obstacle between the kitchen and living room. The stools cushions are a red leather, all the counter tops, even the breakfast bar, a light gray granite. A white washing machine and dryer to my left and a closed door.

"What do you want to cook?", his warm hand is on the small of my back, his thumb stroking me. I tense, this guy has a serious problem with personal sapce. "Just some fried chicken with pasta." I know chips seem more better with chicken but i love pasta! "Well, there's some chicken in the fridge and the pasta's in the pantry." He moves away from me to go over to the fridge to open it and pull's out some chicken, he point's a masculine hand at the closed door. I walk over to it and open the door to be welcomed with an automatic light as the door opens. Hmm, that's quite clever. Walking further into the pantry i can smell spices and all different aromas.

Bending down i sort through the shelf at the back. "Hey Logan, where's the pasta?" My question is unanswered. I turn my head to seem him at the doorway, eye's glowing with a look i know too well from the unmated males of my pack. I look down at myself and see that the t-shirt has ridden up and my lacy underwear is showing. Giving him a really good view apparently. I straighten up and back away into the shelves. A few jars clinking together from my retreat and my erratic breathing are the only sound. He stalks toward me slowly in a predatory way. Damn it, come on Ve think of something to say i coax myself. "You know, i slapped the boys who done this to me back home," i blurt out in a warning tone, i would be surprised if he heard me correctly as i said it so fast.

However, with his possessive growl and the way he pins my arms by my head and crushes his body to mine i think unfortunately that he heard me correctly. Okay so i lied a little, i didn't slap any of the boys as their Were's and i'm just a human. Another thing i'm not allowed to do. God, i'm so stupid! If my hands were free right now i would slap some sense into myself.

His black eyes seem to burn like seering embers as he stares into my wide blue ones. "You. Are. Mine.", he all but growls in my face. Jeez, his canines have lengthened. His so pissed and i'm shitting myself right now. This is one scary ass Monster. Without any warning his mouth is on mine, his erection digging into my thigh making me gasp. His warm tounge invading my mouth, i squeal in protest and try to push him off me to no avail.I try another tatic and turn my head adruptly so his mouth isn't on mine. He starts to kiss down to my exposed throat as i gasp for air. God, nothing fazes this guy. He stops at the base of my neck where my shoulder meets it and he breathes, "Mine." Then Logan bites into the area and he starts to moan. I scream as pain, unwanted pleasure and a force of a bond is pushed on me from the bite. A Mating Bite.

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