Chapter 5-Found Me (Edited)

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A/N- sorry I haven't been updating, I had a very busy weekend. Please vote, comment or fan.

Chapter 5

Riding down my street I start to relax a little, just the tiniest bit. Surprisingly no Were's have chased me down, including Alpha Logan. I just hope this isn't the calm before the storm. Parking up my driveway I turn the rumble of the motorbike off, giving a quick look around I make sure I am alone before leaving the safety of the bike.

Taking the key out and popping it in my pocket I swing my leg off the bike and opened the compartment. Taking off my helmet I quickly shut the compartment with it inside while trying to look through the mane I call my hair. Flipping my head forward I fluffed my hair up and flipped my head back up. Running my hand in my slightly knotty hair I heave a sigh then proceed to walk up my driveway.

My house isn't very big, just a normal three bedroom house I guess. The main colour was a sky blue with white paneling, the roof a normal charcoal coloured slate. What I did love was our wrap around porch, I believe it's the best feature of this house. Walking up our porch steps that creaked with frequent use then reached our welcome mat.

I scoffed at the irony of it, it should really say 'Welcome All Humans (No Monsters Allowed)'. Crouching down I patted the space under the mat looking for the spare key. "Shit", I cursed under my breath. Mum must have took the key away. You see, lately she's been getting very paranoid lately that a Were is going to find it and go in our house. I mentally shook my head at my Ma's silly antics, those creatures could easily break our door down and easily get away with it too.

Standing up I decided to circle the house and see if the back door was left unlocked. Walking on the porch still I continued all the way to our back door. Grabbing the handle I pushed it down and it opened with ease. Well so much with being paranoid Ma' I thought with a chuckle.

Stepping inside the crisp air I shut the door behind me and slid the deadbolt. I walked into the kitchen and looked around cautiously checking for any unwanted intruders. I scanned the kitchen for any useful weapons just in case. Then I spotted the big wooden rolling pin Mum sometimes uses when making homemade pizza, of course I help. I'm a pretty good cook, I just need help sometimes.

Grasping the rolling pin tightly in my hand I look around the bottom floor of the house to check for the Monsters. Now, you may be wondering why I came home? Well, I wanted to be in a environment I am comfortable in. Cause when they capture me, not if but when as I know Alpha Logan will not let his mate get away that easily. Anyway as I was saying when they capture me I wanna be somewhere I can say goodbye to my family before that brute carts me off to God knows where.

Huffing I decide to sink into my couch in the living room, I wasn't brave enough to go upstairs by myself. Choosing the option to rest my eyes for a while I started to shut my eyelids when I heard a slight movement. My eyes only shot open to stare into darkness.

The darkness that seemed to be Alpha Logan's eyes. His face was leaned over mine, the small height of the couch causing him to bend down a bit.

"Mine" he breathed in my face, licking his thin masculine lips. Then I let go the most ear piercing scream I have ever heard in my life.....and I'm sure his life too by the surprised look on his face, squinting his eyes in slight pain.

I kept screaming, I couldn't seem to stop. Then next thing I know I blacked out, forgot I was supposed to breath I thought dryly as the darkness consumed me.

Being Loved By A Monster (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now